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Discrimination / Harassment

Claim of hostile work environment based on disability may add up to ADA lawsuit

The 2nd Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled for the first time that the ADA allows disabled workers to sue separately if they experience a hostile work environment based on their disability. That’s true even if the disabled worker doesn’t have a failure-to-accommodate or a disability discrimination claim.

It’s not bias: OK to deny shift-change request

Under some circumstances, courts have ruled that changing someone’s usual shift can be an adverse employment action or retaliation for engaging in protected activity. But what if the employee was hired to work a specific shift and then re­­quests a transfer to another?

EEOC tactic: Force law-breaking employers to create an HR department

While many smaller organizations slide by without having a dedicated HR director or HR department, a new court ruling will gives those HR-less companies something to think about.

How to trigger discrimination lawsuit: Strip job duties, create miserable conditions

A lawsuit may be justified when an employer strips someone’s job duties and relegates them to performing menial tasks in worse conditions than others have to endure.

EEOC’s harassment reporting systems checklist

According to the EEOC, a responsive sexual harassment complaint reporting system is one of the best tools employers have for addressing harassment at work.

EEOC charges down, harassment claims jump

The #MeToo movement reached the EEOC in a big way last year. Even as total EEOC charges declined dramatically in fiscal year 2018, sexual harassment charges soared.

Consistency is key when deciding how to discipline for excessive medical absences

Employers don’t have to keep disabled employees on the payroll after they have exhausted all available leave and received a reasonable accommodation of taking more time off. That doesn’t mean you can arbitrarily pick and choose which employees you discharge.

Experience is a great teacher, but it’s not pay

If you plan to welcome unpaid interns to your organization this summer, be careful. If they receive any benefits beyond educational credit, some states may consider them to be employees. Thus, they would be covered by state and federal anti-discrimination laws.

Class-action addresses H-1Bs and national origin bias

A class of white, American former IT workers have been given the go-ahead to sue a company that employs large numbers of H-1B visa holders who are predominately from South Asia.

Prepare to prove discipline has been consistent

If you need to fire someone for breaking a rule, document the exact rule he broke. Then check to see how you punished others who broke the same rule. Be prepared to show how their situations compared to the current case.