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Discrimination / Harassment

Feel free to call out poor performance: Criticizing workplace mistakes isn’t harassment

Employees can’t successfully claim that being pushed to do a better job—or even being shamed and ridiculed about their work habits—is anything but an unpleasant consequence of doing a lousy job.

New state lactation accommodation requirements may be coming to California

California Senate Bill 142 would amend building codes to require new commercial buildings and those undergoing improvements costing over $1 million to include designated lactation spaces for employees.

Beat bogus bias claim with detailed account

If an employee sues you for discrimination, you will need to put up a vigorous, detailed defense even if you have done nothing wrong. If you can counter the employee’s claim by explaining exactly what happened, that puts the ball back in the employee’s court.

EEOC got employers to pay $505 million last year

That’s a 27% increase over 2017, even though total charges fell 9%.

LGBT issues to be argued before Supreme Court this fall

The U.S. Supreme Court has agreed to hear three cases that could decide if Title VII of the Civil Rights Act protects lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender employees from discrimination.

What to do now about old #MeToo allegations

What began with a few female Microsoft employees sharing horror stories among themselves via email has morphed into hundreds of harassment complaints old and new that HR could not ignore. If a similar reckoning comes to your organization, follow this roadmap to address harassment once and for all.

Be alert for rumors that can lead to sexual harassment liability

Parker v. Reema Consulting Services, Inc. deserves a place on a PowerPoint slide to remind the entire workplace that there is no place for false and mean-spirited rumors in the employer’s place of business, and that the spreading of such rumors can potentially have severe consequences.

IBM apologizes for slurs on recruiting website

IBM offered no explanation of how the terms came to appear on the website.

Cupid’s arrow misses—and so does harassment suit

Sometimes, a failed workplace romance doesn’t result in a demoralizing and costly courtroom loss!

Fired worker right after she complained about sexual harassment? Prepare for a lawsuit

If you discharge an employee shortly after she files a sexual harassment complaint, chances are she will sue and allege retaliation. Even if she is off work for a few months, you may end up owing her more than lost wages if she also suffered emotionally.