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Discrimination / Harassment

New risk: EEOC now suing over small claims

Employers haven’t worried as much about being sued by the EEOC in smaller, less unique cases in which workers had to rely on finding an attorney willing to take their case. But that’s all changing.

More than half of employers working to fix pay equity

60% of employers say they’ve actively worked in recent years to address pay inequality, according to a new Korn Ferry/WorldatWork survey.

Complaints at tony Manhattan salon led to hair ordinance

Discrimination complaints from employees of the exclusive salon Sharon Dorram Color at Sally Hershberger contributed to a New York City Human Rights Commission decision earlier this year to label hair discrimination as a form of racial discrimination.

Always respond to harassment charges, including same-sex incidents

Here’s a warning to employers that ignore sexual harassment complaints from men who claim another man harassed them.

Solid reasons for termination? Fire away!

If you have compelling reasons to terminate someone and have carefully documented them, there’s really no reason to fear pulling the firing trigger. Just be sure to treat all similarly situated employees the same way.

No racial slurs, no matter who utters them

The use of racial slurs in the workplace continues to create problems for employers. That’s especially true for epithets aimed at black Americans.

Religious liberty bill clears Senate, raises LGBT fears

A so-called religious liberty bill that would give licensed professionals cover to discriminate against gay patrons if they are acting on their “sincerely held religious beliefs” is one step closer to becoming law.

Belated claim of ethnicity dooms discrimination case

A police officer who claimed he had been fired because of his supposed Hispanic heritage has lost his case because he didn’t mention the alleged harassment earlier.

Counter employee perception of unfairness by offering the facts of what really happened

Some employees are suspicious that their co-workers might be getting workplace advantages that they’re missing out on. Fortunately, courts require feelings to be backed up by cold, hard facts showing discrimination.

Protect against future lawsuits by documenting details of every complaint

Employees who complain about alleged discriminatory practices to their supervisors, HR or anyone else inside the organization in a position of authority are protected from retaliation for doing so. But they have to later show that they actually did at least mention discrimination.