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Discrimination / Harassment

Work just sorta stinks? Judge says, ‘Too bad!’

When it comes to work, pleasant is often good enough. Perfection is probably too much to ask for. Courts understand this, and won’t let a lawsuit advance if it’s just based on common gripes.

Act immediately to put a stop to harassment

Employers that take every sexual harassment complaint seriously, investigate the allegations and act fast to stop it usually prevail if an internal complaint turns into a lawsuit. A recent case demonstrates what employers should routinely do.

No ‘magic words’ needed for bias complaint

Employees are protected from retaliation for reporting discrimination or complaining about other Title VII violations. It’s even true if the employee doesn’t specifically state what kind of discrimination she’s charging, if she has generally been complaining about it over some time.

Ensure dress code allows for religious needs

Your dress code must allow some leeway for religious exemptions. The EEOC takes religious discrimination seriously and has been aggressively going after employers that enforce dress codes that unnecessarily restrict employees’ faith-mandated attire.

Any risk of not reducing demoted worker’s pay?

Q. We moved a salaried supervisor to a rank-and-file hourly position, but we left him at the higher salary. Now, several co-workers are complaining that they’re being paid less for the same job and grumbling about discrimination. The co-workers are of different nationalities than the former supervisor. Should we raise the co-workers’ salaries if we want to be as cautious as possible to avoid a lawsuit?

Fort Worth firm pays $85,000 to settle age bias complaint

Atlas Energy in Fort Worth has agreed to pay a former production foreman $85,000 to settle an age discrimination lawsuit.

Warn all bosses against ageist comments, including the most senior executives

When you train managers and supervisors, be sure to issue this simple warning: It is never appropriate for anyone in a supervisory role to make age-related comments. The problem is even worse when senior executives make age-related statements.

Prepare to pay up when retaliation is alleged

Even if you win an employment discrimination case, you may end up losing if someone foolishly retaliates against the employee for complaining in the first place.

New California law mandates women on boards of directors

Last September, California enacted Senate Bill 826, a pioneering law that requires every publicly held company headquartered in California to have at least one woman on its board of directors. Currently, a quarter of the state’s public companies have no female directors.

Sexist supervisor? Keep him away from victims, scrutinize his decisions and actions

If you hear reports that a supervisor or manager with authority over female employees is making sexist statements, act immediately to put an end to it.