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Discrimination / Harassment

Few details needed to begin hostile environment suit

Employees who claim they were victims of a sexually hostile work environment don’t have to provide an exhaustive list of alleged hostile acts. Details can be provided later.

Single stupid comment can tank legitimate decision

Bosses who don’t have appropriate verbal filters can accidentally turn a legitimate management decision into evidence of discrimination.

Appeal of firing doesn’t give more time to sue

Employees who claim they were fired for discriminatory reasons have just 300 days to file an EEOC complaint. The clock starts ticking the day they’re terminated, not when they have exhausted internal appeals processes.

Harassment or just a bad-behaving boss?

Courts expect em­­ploy­­ees to have relatively thick skins. Behavior that is crude or obnoxious isn’t usually grounds for a harassment lawsuit unless it targets people based on a protected characteristic (sex, age, race, disability, etc.).Still, the “equal opportunity harasser” argument is a pretty flimsy nail to hang your defense on.

Justices appear ready to back applicant in hijab case

Oral arguments held Feb. 25 in a Supreme Court case involving a teenager who says the Muslim headscarf she wore to an interview cost her a job at Abercrombie & Fitch did not go well for the retail chain.

EEOC says Walmart discriminated by denying same-sex benefits

Walmart could soon face an EEOC lawsuit alleging the retail giant engaged in sex discrimination when it denied health insurance benefits to the same-sex spouse of an employee in Massachusetts.

$8 million price wasn’t right for game show

The producers of “The Price is Right,” TV’s longest-running game show, have learned that negative comments about pregnancies can result in jackpots for employees, to the tune of more than $8 million.

Unfairness isn’t illegal

Judges can distinguish between an unfair boss and an illegal practice.

Must we provide a place where our customers can pray?

Q. A customer was in our sales showroom in the process of purchasing merchandise when he asked his sales person to provide him with space where he could pray while the sales person finalized the paperwork. Our sales person was surprised by the request but ended up providing the customer with an empty office. Do we need to accommodate a similar request in the future? We would, of course, accommodate a prayer request from one of our employees. But we have concerns with leaving a customer unattended in our office area.

Weigh EEOC guidance when considering criminal histories

In April 2012, the EEOC issued comprehensive guidance addressing the use of an applicants’ criminal history in hiring, which it further clarified in March 2014. The guidance offers details and hypotheticals regarding situations when excluding an applicant based on his or her arrest or conviction record could constitute discrimination based on race or national origin in violation of Title VII.