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Discrimination / Harassment

Texas Supreme Court: Opposing merely inappropriate acts not protected

The Supreme Court of Texas has decided a case brought under Texas law that will help employers defend themselves against retaliation claims.

Don’t sweat legit transfers: Lateral moves OK if they truly don’t affect pay and benefits


In order to claim that a transfer or a realignment of duties qualifies as an adverse employment action, employees must show that the transfer or job changes were somehow potentially harmful. That’s especially true in the case of job changes that spring from a lateral move across the organization chart, with the same pay and benefits.

No such thing as ‘overqualified’: Don’t automatically reject skilled older applicant

Older workers tend to have more overall experience and may seem overqualified for entry-level positions. Don’t reject those candidates, though. Doing so may set you up for a discrimination lawsuit.

Future threat: 3rd-party pressure to curb bias


The American Civil Liberties Union has asked federal and California state regulators to investigate Hollywood’s hiring practices with an eye toward addressing discrimination against women. Could pressure from politically active groups be employment law’s wave of the future?

EEOC tests digital charge system to handle discrimination complaints

The EEOC has launched a pilot program to digitally transmit documents to and from employers regarding discrimination charges filed against them. The program—called ACT Digital—is the first step in the EEOC’s move toward an online charge system that will streamline the submission of documents, notices and communications in the EEOC’s charge system.

Solving the transgender bathroom dilemma

As more people are identifying themselves as transgender, the issue of which restroom they should use in the workplace has become controversial and confusing. Until now.

Can we require English-only on the job?

Q. We want to require our employees to read, speak and write English at work. Is such a policy legal?

Sudden harassment claim? Investigate before firing


Sometimes, employees hold back on reporting sexual harassment out of fear, especially if the perpetrator is a supervisor. The first you hear about it may be during the termination meeting. If that happens, suspend the employee instead of firing him. That will give you time to investigate.

Does clicking ‘Send’ too soon deliver a lawsuit?

Have you ever felt that punched-in-the-gut feeling after clicking “Send” and realizing you blasted an email to the wrong person? As the CEO in this case learned, one misguided email mixed with poor judgment can stir up a potent legal stew.

When making layoff decisions, focus on worker performance, cite business necessity

When it comes to reductions in force, employers must make sure that they develop a fair, reasonable and explainable selection process. Be prepared to show that the selection was based on sound business decisions and that the layoff wasn’t an excuse to terminate employees who might otherwise have a legal discrimination claim.