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Discrimination / Harassment

Same person sends hundreds of applications? Don’t fall into discrimination lawsuit trap


Sometimes an eager candidate will apply for several jobs with the same employer. If you are sure he or she isn’t qualified, you don’t have to agree to an interview for each open position. Be aware that if you do interview him for one of the positions and choose someone else outside his protected class, he may sue and argue he was much better qualified than whoever you did choose.

Home health care firm said to fire worker for being pregnant

The EEOC claims Your Health Team illegally fired a home health care aide simply because she was pregnant.

Requesting Sunday off for ‘religious reasons’ not enough

Employees who want to alter their schedule to accommodate religious needs need to do more than simply mention religion generally. At a minimum, they need to explain their religious practices.

Alerting boss of job-bias rules is not ‘protected activity’

The role of an HR professional includes educating management on anti-discrimination laws. Doing so is generally considered doing one’s job and isn’t protected activity.

Responding to harassment complaint? Don’t force victim into unfair decision


There’s a right way and a wrong way to handle a sexual harassment complaint that may have involved physical assault. Suspending the alleged harasser is the safest approach. Telling the allegedly assaulted employee to choose between accepting a transfer or working with the harasser is not. She likely will quit and fire off a claim that she was constructively discharged.

Victim didn’t complain about supposed hostility in workplace? He may be out of luck

If an employee ignores slurs or other hostile behavior—or even jokes about it with co-workers—that may be evidence the employee wasn’t personally offended and, therefore, won’t be successful in his hostile environment lawsuit.

Dunkin’ Donuts manager: Not so sweet

A Westchester County, N.Y., Dunkin’ Donuts franchise finds itself in hot oil after a store manager allegedly slapped a female employee who refused his sexual advances.

Fired college coach, 88, files age-bias complaint

After 31 years on the job, the cross-country coach for Hunter College in New York is suing the school, alleging he was forced out because of his age.

EEOC alleges Crothall fails to keep proper records

Wayne, Pa.-based temporary services firm Crothall Services Group faces an EEOC lawsuit alleging it failed to maintain records necessary to document the effect of its criminal background check policy on minorities.

Pennsylvania concrete company, union settle disability bias claim

Erie, Pa.-based Erie Strayer Co. and Local 468 of the International Association of Bridge Structural, Ornamental and Reinforcing Iron Workers have settled charges they violated the ADA when they required employees to provide detailed medical information in order to use paid sick leave.