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Discrimination / Harassment

After harassment, be careful who you transfer

If you fear for an employee’s safety after he has complained about a hostile work environment, think twice before transferring him instead of the person or people who are the source of the hostility.

Three cases form basis of EEOC’s stance on transgender bias

On May 9, North Carolina sued the U.S. Department of Justice to stop the federal government from ordering the state to set aside its Public Facilities Privacy and Security Act—the so-called transgender bathroom bill.

EEOC: Discrimination based on transgender status is unlawful

State and federal laws, as well as EEOC enforcement actions, provide increasingly clear guidance for employers on how to address the rights of transgender employees.

Somalis allege retaliation for discussing work conditions

A group of Somali school bus drivers in Minneapolis claim they were fired after they started a group to discuss discrimination and working conditions.

Police officers’ age bias case reinstated

A Minnesota appeals court has given the go-ahead for an age discrimination lawsuit filed by three police officers against the city of Richfield to proceed to trial.

Target makes a stand in the battle of the bathrooms

Retail giant Target, based in Min­ne­apolis, has become a flashpoint in the culture wars over the suddenly urgent issue of transgender bathroom use.

One insult does not a legitimate lawsuit make

Supervisors play an important role in maintaining a harmonious work environment. However, sometimes bosses are the ones most guilty of breaching civility, by saying things that offend employees.

Wolf issues executive orders combating LGBT discrimination

Gov. Tom Wolf grew tired of waiting for the state legislature to send him a bill adding lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgendered people to the protected classes listed in the Pennsylvania Human Relations Act.

Discharge for racial slur upheld in Philadelphia’s ongoing Fox 29 lawsuit

In a notorious case involving a Philadelphia TV station, a reporter who used a racial slur during an editorial meeting has lost his bid to overturn a jury’s decision that his firing was not racially based.

Company activities heavy on religious content? Better pray you don’t wind up in court

Evangelical fervor can cause legal trouble if an employer requires employees to participate in religious practices or activities as a condition of continued employment.