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Discrimination / Harassment

New EEOC guidance emphasizes hostile environment harassment

Doubling down on last summer’s report by the EEOC Select Task Force on the Study of Harassment in the Workplace, the guidance calls harassment a persistent work problem.

Granting religious accommodations, preventing bias claims

An employer may face litigation either for failing to promptly respond to a discrimination claim or for overreacting to one.

Equal discipline key to survive sex bias claims

Employers rarely lose sex discrimination lawsuits if they can show that everyone who broke the same rule received the same punishment.

Actions that make employees feel bad aren’t necessarily ‘adverse’ under the law

Employees who claim their employers discriminated against them must show that the alleged action was “adverse,” not merely uncomfortable, inconvenient or even unfair.

Court: Participation in training doesn’t establish pay for EPA purposes

Participating in a training program doesn’t mean an employee can win an Equal Pay Act claim by arguing some participants—who essentially undergo very similar training—are paid more for comparable work.

Never tolerate talk of sexual violence

If anyone—a rank-and-file employee, a supervisor or even the CEO—makes comments suggesting sexual harassment or the possibility of sexual assault, crack down quickly.

Is that really harassment–or a domestic dispute?

Private disputes tha spill into the workplace can spell trouble if discord spirals out of control.

Male-dominated culture at work? Beware harassment

While “locker room” talk may have been in the news lately, that doesn’t mean women have to put up with it.

Female attorney in Wayne, Pa., claims pay discrimination

A former female partner at the Saltz Matkov law firm in Wayne, Pa., alleges two male partners conspired to pay her less than they earned.

Lack of qualifications will sink bias lawsuit

If it turns out that an employee who is suing you for bias was, in hindsight, unqualified for the job, count your blessings!