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Discrimination / Harassment

Invest in a timely, thorough investigation, or prepare to pay big damage award

When employees complain about potential workplace discrimination and harassment, smart employers take it seriously. Nothing short of a thorough investigation will do. If you drop the ball and don’t take quick action, it could wind up costing your organization dearly.

Beware rescinding religious accommodation! You will probably have to explain why in court

Employers should carefully document the process by which they deny or approve a religious accommodation. In particular, granting a request and then deciding to revoke it later may make it more difficult to defend in court.

Lawsuit: Flight attendants harassed for union roles

An American Airlines flight attendant based in Philadelphia and a colleague from North Carolina are suing, claiming the airline failed to police online forums and Facebook pages it controls, permitting other employees to harass the women for their union activities.

Palo Alto firm pays big to settle discrimination charges

Palantir Technologies in Palo Alto has agreed to settle charges it discriminated against Asian applicants who sought engineering positions at the tech firm.

Boss is equally demanding on everyone? That’s no excuse for employee lawsuit

Some supervisors are more demanding than others. That’s no reason to sue, as long as the boss heaps demands equally on everyone, regardless of protected characteristics.

9th Circuit: Equal Pay Act allows past pay as excuse for current pay differences

The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals has concluded that employers are free to use past pay as the starting point for a compensation offer as long as they can justify the practice as having a legitimate business purpose. That’s true even if using past pay ends up perpetuating past pay discrimination.

$1.9 million to settle EEOC race bias lawsuit against Chicago restaurants

The owners of 13 Italian restaurants in Chicago have agreed to pay $1.9 million to settle an EEOC class-action suit alleging they routinely refused to hire black job applicants.

Research: Gender wage gap established early in careers

The wage gap between men and women is established early in workers’ careers and increases “considerably” in the first 20 years of their working lives, according to new research published by the National Bureau of Economic Research.

Transgender employee rights case advances

A  Pennsylvania woman is suing her former employer claiming she was discriminated against because of her transgender status. The case is making news not just because it involves transgender rights, but because of the unique legal arguments it raises.

Never, ever say a word about applicant’s age

You may see more older workers seeking open positions in your organization. How you treat those applicants can mean the difference between winning or losing an age discrimination lawsuit.