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Discrimination / Harassment

EEOC initiative targets age discrimination

This year marks the 50th anniversary of the Age Discrimination in Employment Act and the EEOC, which administers the law, is going all out with a series of public events and stepped-up enforcement.

Equitable treatment proves discipline wasn’t biased

Employers that treat all employees the same when disciplining them tend to win when employees claim discrimination.

3 ‘soft’ ways to cut the hard costs of sex discrimination

Employers keep getting dragged into court by female employees alleging sex discrimination. Year after year, gender bias accounts for about 30% of EEOC charges. Many of those claims allege that well-qualified women were denied promotions they deserved.

Price war for new talent? Reassess pay scales

Sometimes landing the best candidate requires sweetening the salary pot, paying more than the last person to hold the job earned. Before you make such an offer, consider the potential consequences.

Must we allow unlimited breaks for mothers to express breast milk?

Q. An employee just came into HR demanding that we provide her with unlimited breaks for expressing milk. Is this true? She said she read it at the Minnesota Department of Labor website.

When bias charges loom, documentation proves discipline was warranted

When it comes to terminating an employee for poor performance, careful documentation is essential. Make sure you can later explain exactly how you handled the employee’s performance problems.

Isolated comments not enough for lawsuit

Worried about how to handle offensive co-worker comments? You certainly want to discourage such behavior and make clear it must stop. However, take comfort in knowing that a few stray comments over time won’t cost you a hostile work environment lawsuit.

OK to set high anti-harassment standard

When it comes to preventing harassment, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act sets a minimum threshold for compliance. Employers are free to hold employees to a higher standard.

Uber skids into sexual harassment ditch

Since February, ride-hailing colossus Uber has been roiled by accusations that its corporate culture condones rampant sexual harassment. The $70 billion company’s missteps since then have more closely resembled a train wreck than a safe and smooth ride home.

EEOC sends Brooklyn educator back to school on sex bias

The chief executive officer of Special Education Associates, a Brooklyn provider of education services for developmentally delayed pre-school children, cost the firm $57,000 for his attempt to woo a job applicant.