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Discrimination / Harassment

Court recognizes a new kind of claim: Retaliatory hostile environment


Essentially, a retaliatory hostile environment claim looks at situations in which life was made generally difficult for an employee in small ways that in themselves would not affect a term or condition of employment.

Document reasons for worker’s new, unusual assignment


Some workers may feel that being given a difficult assignment is discriminatory, especially if others outside the worker’s protected class don’t have to do similar work. Having a business-related reason for the assignment will persuade a judge that discrimination wasn’t a factor.

California Assembly pays to settle harassment complaint


Former state Assemblyman Steve Fox has once again cost the California Assembly money to settle allegations against him. This time, Fox’s former legislative director is being paid $100,000 for sexual harassment and being required to perform work outside her legislative duties.

Employee’s suspicion can’t beat your solid evidence


Smart employers always make employment decisions based on solid, business-related reasons. Then they document the decision-making process.

Act immediately to remove sexually offensive graffiti and material from the workplace


Sexually offensive material appears all too often in some workplaces. When that happens, get rid of it! Immediately! That way, there is less chance that someone will later be able to successfully allege that the graffiti or scribblings created a hostile work environment.

Be ready to show you hired the best candidate


Unsuccessful applicants often believe they didn’t get hired because of some form of discrimination. You had better be ready to show that the person you hired was clearly better qualified. If you can do that, chances are a discrimination lawsuit will be tossed out fast.

Employment law by the numbers: Know which laws count


Businesses must stay abreast of an alphabet soup of federal laws—ADA, ADEA, FMLA and so forth—each with its own requirements. Further complicating matters, most states have their own laws that override the federal requirements. To comply, you first must know which laws apply to your business.

Is Green & White Taxi biased against people of color?


Twin Cities-based Green & White Taxi must defend against allegations by current and former drivers that the company only sends white drivers on its most lucrative jobs.

EEOC offers anti-harassment best practices


The EEOC is urging employers to respond to this fall’s national conversation about sexual harassment by reviewing and updating their policies and practices. Based on the EEOC’s 2016 “Harassment in the Workplace” report, here are the best ways employers can prevent sexual harassment in the workplace.

Supreme Court passes on same-sex benefits


On Dec. 4, the U.S. Supreme Court declined to hear a case testing whether the court’s landmark decision legalizing gay marriage requires government entities to provide the same employee benefits to same-sex couples that heterosexual couples receive.