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Inability to perform a specific job doesn’t mean employee is disabled


Some employees seem to believe that every medical problem is a disability that requires accommodation. That’s not true. Employees aren’t disabled unless their condition substantially limits a major life function. If the only effect is an inability to perform a specific job—not a class of jobs—the employee isn’t disabled and doesn’t have to be accommodated.

Like grocery prices, lifting requirements fluctuate


Minneapolis-based grocery chain Supervalu faces a lawsuit from a former employee at a distribution center in Pennsylvania. Long-time employee Terri Wolfinger claims the company changed the lifting requirements in her job description to prevent her from returning to work after she injured her arm.

Miami ADA case could lead to Supreme Court hearing

The EEOC has filed suit against Miami-based Vitas Healthcare alleging it violated the ADA when it made a disabled employee compete for a vacant position. The case raises a critical question that could carry it all the way to the Supreme Court.

Minor lifting restriction doesn’t mean ADA disability

Not every injury causes a disabling condition that qualifies for ADA protection.

Dive into 2012: Get your policies in shape for the new year

As we enter 2012, it’s a good time to review employment policies and practices in light of the government’s aggressive efforts to enforce employment laws. The National Labor Relations Board, the EEOC, the DOL and its Office of Federal Contract Compli­ance Programs are all cracking down on employers.

Hershey School HIV case highlights ADAAA’s reach

The Milton Hershey School, founded by chocolate magnate Milton Hershey to help underprivileged children, faces discrimination charges after it refused to admit a 13-year-old boy who is HIV-positive.

Worker turned down light-duty offer? That gives you an advantage in ADA lawsuit

Here’s a situation you can use to your advantage if you offer light-duty work to an employee who claims he has become disabled: If he turns down your offer, that could sink any disability discrimination claim he later makes.

Partners in time: Balance FMLA and ADA when employee’s serious illness is a disability

Employees with a serious health condition are entitled to take intermittent FMLA leave when their conditions flare up. And disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations for their disabilities. That can include time off. Employers must therefore consider granting intermittent FMLA leave among the possible ADA reasonable accommodations when an employee has a serious health condition that is also a disability.

Could high school diploma requirement violate the ADA?


An “informal discussion letter” from the EEOC had employment-law circles buzzing last month—and creating uncertainty about employer’s use of high school diplomas as hiring criteria. The nonbinding EEOC letter said employers, in some instances, could infringe on the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) when requiring all applicants to have a high school diploma.

How to: Conduct your annual HR policy review

We’re already a month into 2012. It’s time to review your employment policies and practices in light of the government’s aggressive efforts to enforce employment laws. The EEOC, the DOL and a host of other agencies are all cracking down on employers. Good, up-to-date policies are your best defense against the fed’s stepped up scrutiny.