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Apply common sense in determining ‘Substantial impairment’


We’re becoming a nation of complainers, and the workplace is no exception. Consider the growing number of employees who claim they have a real or imagined disability—and want an accommodation …

If disability affects performance, demotion may be in order


Disabled employees are entitled to reasonable accommodations, including the elimination of nonessential functions. But what if an employee is functioning at a lower level than the job requires? …

Make sure you can track when downsizing decision was made


Employees suddenly confronted with unpleasant alterations in their duties, responsibilities or schedules may look for reasons to avoid making the change …

Medical assessments should stick to the job, not generalities


If the ability to perform certain physical tasks is absolutely essential to one of the jobs in your workplace, tread carefully when it comes to medical evaluations. The ADA makes it illegal to “regard” persons as disabled …

No employer duty to provide ‘Perfect’ accommodation


Do you have a difficult disabled employee who seems to need constant care and attention and whose accommodations requests border on the ridiculous? Maybe it’s time to decide those requests are unreasonable. Here’s how to handle the situation …

Discipline for absences even if employee has disability


Employees who take intermittent leave cause the greatest disruption in the workplace, according to comments received by the U.S. Labor Department on proposed revisions to the FMLA. That includes employees with disabilities who seem to need an inordinate—and unpredictable—number of absences. If you suspect abuse, don’t jump the gun …

Prison guard not entitled to indefinite light duty


Employers are not required to provide a light-duty position indefinitely, the New Jersey Supreme Court recently ruled, overturning an Appellate Division decision. A Gloucester County corrections officer was diagnosed with Graves’ disease, which gave him double vision and prevented him from working in contact with inmates …

Can we fire for incomplete medical cert?


Q. An employee recently has contracted a serious health condition for which she requests FMLA leave. The medical certification form, completed by her physician, does not indicate the probable duration of her condition. Can we suspend the employee for the physician’s failure to submit a sufficiently complete medical certification form? …

Mere psychiatric diagnosis does not a disability make


Not everyone who has a diagnosed psychiatric condition is disabled and entitled to protection under the ADA. Before you authorize reasonable accommodations or allow a psychiatric condition to become an excuse for poor performance, decide whether the condition rises to the level of a covered disability …

Think you have a drug-Free workplace? Think again


If you think your workplace is drug-free, chances are you’re wrong. According to a new government survey, one of every 12 U.S. workers uses illegal drugs. That’s up from earlier surveys. Here’s more on the trend and what employers can do about it …