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Rely on union contract terms when working out disability accommodations


Dealing with a labor union has its headaches, but figuring out how to deal with disability accommodations isn’t one of them. The fact is, having a collective-bargaining contract in place can make that easier.

Respond ASAP when disabled worker requests reasonable accommodation under FEHA


California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act (FEHA) requires employers whose disabled employees ask for accommodations to “engage in a timely, good faith, interactive process with the employee … to determine effective reasonable accommodations.” The key is to act promptly.

Review all options for disabled worker seeking accommodation


Employees with disabilities may be entitled to transfer to open positions that they are qualified to hold. Remember, that means jobs they could do with or without an accommodation.

Can we terminate now an employee who we know can’t return from FMLA leave?


Q. We have an employee out on FMLA leave and have just learned that she will not be able to return to work when her FMLA entitlement expires. Should we go ahead and send her a termination notice now?

Don’t cave to telecommuting request if it won’t allow disabled employee to do job


Sometimes, employees suggest telecommuting as an accommodation if they have temporary disabilities. Telecommuting may be possible for some kinds of jobs. But in other cases, the job itself may make telecommuting impossible.

Disabled former employees can’t recover benefits under ADA unless they seek rehire


In a common-sense decision, the 6th Circuit Court of Appeals has ruled that former employees who are disabled cannot sue their former employers under the ADA to recover retirement benefits that were reduced because they received Social Security disability payments from the federal government.

Attendance policies: Control absenteeism without breaking the law


Regular attendance is a key job function for most of your employees. But while you are free to set and enforce attendance rules, you must also comply with key federal laws, including the FMLA and the ADA …

ADA: Performance and Conduct Standards


In response to numerous performance-related questions from employers, the EEOC released a detailed guide to help employers apply performance and conduct standards to employees with disabilities. Here’s a summary of the EEOC’s recommendations.

New ADA and FMLA rules kick in this month


The year that the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) predicts will carry “the most sweeping HR-related changes in 30 years” starts with a bang this month as HR pros must adapt to important changes to two key employment laws: the FMLA and the ADA.

I-9, FMLA, ADA overhaul: Are you ready?


The year that the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) predicts will carry “the most sweeping HR-related changes in 30 years” starts with a bang this month as HR professionals must adapt to important changes to two key employment laws—the FMLA and the ADA—and replace their I-9 forms.