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Pay & perks drive satisfaction, but HR perceives differently


What’s the most important factor in an employee’s job satisfaction? A new study says HR professionals and employees have completely divergent answers to that question …

Lessons from the 2006 SHRM conference: Do you really need to offer that employee benefit?


Employee benefits are, in many cases, a lot like other pieces of an organization’s culture: They’re there because, well, they’ve always been there. But in these days of constantly rising health insurance costs, employers can’t afford to keep providing benefits just because that’s the way they’ve done things in the past, said Gary Kushner, president of Kushner & Co. benefits consulting firm …

Worried About a New Hire? 7 ‘Salvage Operation’ Tips

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Cut turnover by teaching managers how to respect staff


Employees who feel less respected by their superiors are more likely to jump ship. The lesson: Treating workers with respect and dignity is ultracritical to retaining good workers, especially in a hot job market …

Cut turnover by identifying disenchanted workers

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Retention: If you want to keep them, let them go


You’ve probably had great employees quit because they wanted to try their hand at a radically different career. Here’s a way to let employees "test drive" a career and still keep them on staff …

Inject more oversight, responsibility into flex schedules


With flexible schedules reaching near-entitlement status, some employers are pulling in the reins on this runaway perk.
A tighter and clearer flex-schedule policy can help you regain control over the benefit and increase productivity …

Strong new economic numbers signal upward pressure on wages


Several important economic indicators released last month suggest that wage growth and a tighter labor market are just around the corner …

Steer Clear of ‘Take It or Leave It’ Early-Retirement Offers


If you plan to lay off employees, structure early-retirement offers carefully to avoid age-discrimination lawsuits. In particular, avoid making "take-it or leave-it" offers that force employees to choose between resigning with a severance package or being terminated …

12 Real-Life Employee Appreciation Strategies That Work


March 10 is Employee Appreciation Day, but you can show your gratitude throughout the year. Studies show that employees who feel valued are more likely to stay … Choose your favorite ideas from among these real-life suggestions …