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Majority of AstraZeneca employees take advantage of flex time


Few organizations can boast that 90% of their employees use flexible work arrangements. Yet the majority of employees at AstraZeneca’s Wilmington, DE, headquarters use flexible work options ranging from compressed workweeks and part-time schedules to telecommuting and job sharing …

Social responsibility drives Calvert Group benefits


The Calvert Group encourages people to invest the minute they’re born. The mutual fund company gives employees who become moms and dads a $1,000 baby bonus to invest in a Calvert account. “It certainly makes sense given what we do as a company,” says Kathy Torrence, VP of corporate social responsibility …

Add coaching, mentoring to retention effort


Coaching and mentoring are among the top new ways to retain high-potential employees, says a survey by ClearRock, a Boston-based executive coaching firm …

Los Angeles grocery ordinance conflicts with state regulations


In a tentative decision, a California state court ruled that a Los Angeles grocery ordinance is void. A complaint by the California Grocers Association challenged the Grocery Worker Retention Ordinance, which set limits on the termination of employees, including requiring grocers to retain employees for 90 days after a change in ownership.

The 7 best ways to recruit & retain in 2008


If you work for a large organization, get ready to fight with small ones for your employees. If you work for a small organization, get ready to spend more on the pay and benefits that will lure big-company stars over to your shop …

Making spirits bright: 10 holiday perks to ease employee stress


The holiday season can be an exceptionally stressful and busy time for your employees. And of course, frazzled, frantic and depressed doesn’t equal high productivity. Try these timesaving, stress-relieving perks to ease employees’ minds and their calendars—and improve retention.

Concierge services: Are they right for your organization?


Between the year-end business crunch and the bustle of the holidays, December can be the most stressful month for your employees. Concierge services can take on some of your workers’ holiday planning and shopping by doing personal errands like locating hard-to-find presents, ordering gift baskets, making family dinner reservations, picking up dry cleaning and buying theater tickets …

Say what!? Gen Y employees bring great expectations to work


Perez Hilton, who? d-listed, what? And what in the world does “OMG” mean? If you’re feeling out of touch with workers from younger generations at the office, you’re not alone. Generation Y is reshaping the workplace.

Aflac helps employees buy homes with education, financing


Georgia-based insurance firm Aflac is helping its employees buy their first homes through a program with a local agency. Aflac works with NeighborWorks, which teaches employees how to purchase a home and offers sessions on financial and debt management …

School system tends to new teachers’ personal needs


Many of the new teachers who take jobs with the Charles County, MD, public school system need help adjusting to small-town life after they are hired. That help comes in the form of a teacher-services department staffed by a secretary, a veteran teacher and an HR specialist …