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Employee Relations

Remind supervisors about the importance of praise

“As business leaders, we do a really good job of telling people what they do wrong, and a really bad job at telling them what they do right,” says Bill Sims, author of the new book Green Beans & Ice Cream.

Changing employee behavior: 8 simple steps for ‘the talk’


Smart business people know it’s more profitable to keep existing customers than constantly having to find new ones. That’s because the costs of acquiring new customers are so high. The same principle applies to employees.

Employee Handbooks: Overview


HR Law 101: Employee handbooks are extremely valuable business tools. But if you’re not careful, your handbook could land you in court. In particular, employees are increasingly suing for wrongful discharge, pointing to a handbook they claim guaranteed them employment indefinitely …

Essential Topics in Employee Handbooks


HR Law 101: Your employee handbook should include statements on these topics: a welcoming letter from the CEO, rules and procedures, your employment policies, compensation and benefits, safety and health rules, an affirmative action statement and an acknowledgment receipt form …

Smell alcohol on employee’s breath? What to do now

When you smell alcohol on an employee, or receive reports that an employee smells of alcohol, you need to act fast to protect everyone’s safety—but not so fast that you mishandle the situation. Follow these guidelines.

When porn is ‘research,’ First Amendment may apply

Some professions in the public sector may benefit from constitutional protections more than other employees.

17 California employers make Fortune’s ‘best’ list

Fortune magazine has tallied the 100 best companies to work for in 2014 and 17 California firms made the list. Five of the top 10 are based in Cali­­fornia—and one heads the list.

Speed up a team slowpoke

Every team has at least one employee who is slow to deliver work. The person almost always is the reason the team falls behind or fails to meet goals. Ramp up the energy and output of a slowpoke with these tips:

Alternative Dispute Resolution


HR Law 101: In recent years, various forms of alternative dispute resolution have gained popularity. Mandatory arbitration in particular is attractive to employers because employees who sign arbitration agreements forfeit their right to sue in federal or state court …

Firing: You don’t have to be right, just honest


Employees don’t always see eye to eye on discipline, performance appraisals or other workplace issues. But as long as you reasonably be­­lieve that your discipline was appropriate or your evaluation was on the money, you have little to fear. Simply put, the employee doesn’t get to second-guess your reasons.