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Employee Relations

Is it time to terminate your formal annual review process?

Many companies—including Adobe and Netflix—have abandoned formal annual reviews, adopting a more agile approach that focuses on continuous performance management. Could this process work for you?

Personal tech rules when it comes to wasting time

American employees are ingenious wasters of time. A new poll has identified the worst workplace time-sucks.

Foresee having to fire difficult employee? Track warnings and discipline for later use


Sometimes, employees who sense they are skating on thin ice at work will decide they want to keep their jobs, improve their output and adjust their attitudes to comply with your expectations. And sometimes they won’t. Determine which path such an employee has chosen by tracking both work performance and behavior over time.

Away but still connected: Remote access a plus

U.S. employees are upbeat about using their computers, tablets and smartphones to stay connected to the workplace after hours. Nearly eight in 10 (79%) workers view this as a somewhat or strongly positive development.

Survey: Working women more stressed than men

Female employees are more highly stressed at work than men, and they’re more concerned about their health and place a higher priority on staying healthy than their male counterparts, a new survey finds.

Let them butt heads! How to inspire healthy conflict

Good managers want employees to constructively challenge their ideas because it produces better decisions and problem-solving.

What workers want: Good pay, steady work

The Society for Human Resource Management’s most recent “Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement” survey asked employees which aspects of work they rate “very important” to job satisfaction. Here are the top 15.

Blue-collar workers dish on the downsides of their jobs

When asked to identify shortcomings of their work environment, employees in non-desk jobs cited the following.

Even legal marijuana takes a hit among co-workers

Regardless of marijuana’s legal status, 46% of U.S. workers would lose confidence in colleagues who smoke pot on their own time. That’s according to a new poll by Workplace Options, a wellness consulting firm.

Nearly one-third of employers expect workers to job-hop

Does job-hopping (working for various employers for a short period of time) carry the same stigma in today’s job market? Not necessarily, according to a new study from CareerBuilder.