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Employee Relations

Four questions every manager should answer

Employee engagement starts with an engaged manager. It’s important to know the general “wants” of employees, but it’s better for supervisors to connect with the specific needs of each worker. Consultant Mel Kleiman suggests managers need to regularly ask themselves these four questions about each of their employees.

Track problems as soon as troublemaking starts


Sometimes, employees who sense they are skating on thin ice at work will decide they want to keep their jobs, improve their output and adjust their attitudes to comply with your expectations. And sometimes they won’t. Determine which path such an employee has chosen by tracking both work performance and behavior over time.

How employers support employee career development

Most employers are willing to pay for these kinds of professional and career development activities, according to the Society for Human Resource Management’s 2014 Employee Benefits survey.

Handling common employee gripes about pay

What do you do when workers complain about their pay? Try these responses to common kvetching.

Big business finds big benefit in tuition assistance

A Who’s Who of U.S. companies have embraced tuition assistance as a core component of their benefits packages.

How to discuss employee’s medical condition

Employees often fear that disclosing a health issue to management may change others’ perceptions and limit career opportunities. Providing a supportive environment in which such matters can be discussed, however, is vital to maintaining productivity and reaching solutions.

Outrageous employee behavior? Don’t fear quick-trigger discipline


When faced with misbehaving employees, HR people are always counseled to avoid quick firings and hold tight to the three D’s—document, deliberate and decide. But some workplace behavior is so outrageous that employers must take immediate action.

BYOD creates risks beyond information security

Bring Your Own Device programs have taken off—but what are the legal issues and security problems you need to be aware of?

Use tuition benefits to build home-grown skills


Starbucks got a lot of attention this summer when it announced it would help its baristas—even part-timers—pay for online college classes offered by Arizona State University. That’s news for three reasons.

How to motivate your employees simply by listening to them


Ken Rees takes every opportunity to ask front-line employees to share their ideas and experiences interacting with customers. “That’s where the answers are,” he says. Rees, CEO of Think Finance, energizes his staff with motivational programs that resonate with employees