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Employee Relations

How to set up a mentorship program to drive career development

Sure, it’s a great tool that gives employees a proactive boost—but it can also thwart career-ending mistakes.

Yet another argument against Monday morning meetings

For 90 days, Google analyzed the relative search volume for “hangover cure.”

Email/Internet Usage


HR Law 101: Employers have any number of legitimate reasons to monitor employees’ email and Internet usage. Beyond personal productivity issues, you risk significant loss should an employee download a virus or other damaging software or engage in illegal activity conducted on company computers …

Just say it: I’m going home at 5:30!

The best way to restore sanity to your schedule, see more of your family and still get your work done is simple, says Cal Newport, a Georgetown University business professor and author who also takes seriously being a good parent and partner.

When all you need is their darn signatures …

What’s one of HR’s toughest tasks? Compliance? Budgeting? No, sometimes it’s merely getting the whole staff to sign, date and return a simple document of acknowledgment or policy change. Here are some tricks to try.

4 principles for creating a progressive discipline system

No state or federal law requires a company to establish a progressive discipline policy. But if you put one in place, make sure you follow it.

Suspicious minds: Bosses check up on absent staff

Workers who call in sick usually get the benefit of the doubt, but 31% of managers polled by CareerBuilder.com say they have checked to see if an absent employee was telling the truth.

Retain older employees by maintaining work flexibility

Two-thirds of organizations responding to a new survey consider the potential loss of older worker talent over the coming six to 10 years, through retirement or other reasons, a “problem” or “potential problem.” Here’s what they’re doing about it.

Employee theft costs retail sector more than shoplifting

Employees swipe more from retailers than shoplifters do, according to a new study. The annual Global Retail Theft Barometer reports that dishonest employees cost retailers $18 billion in revenue last year, more than the $15.7 billion taken by light-fingered shoppers.

Light their fire: How to get your employees to think like owners


You’ve heard so much about the need for employees to be “en­­gaged” and “empowered” that your eyes glaze over those words. Sure, it’s vital. But how do you actually make the culture shift to build that spirit?