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Employee Relations

Don’t let internal complaint derail discipline

When faced with negative reviews and worried about losing their jobs, some employees file internal discrimination complaints in an effort to avoid discipline. Don’t play that game!

How to motivate minimum-wagers

Once you take on the responsibility of leading those on the very first rung of the corporate ladder, you’ll likely have to turn off your managerial auto-pilot and become more hands-on than you’re used to.

Don’t fear surveying employee attitudes

You might not always like what they tell you, but one thing you don’t need to be wary of is a lawsuit.

Reprimanding employees: 6 tips for doing it right

Sometimes managers need to pull a worker aside and have “the talk.” Coach bosses to follow these tips.

Love it or hate it, email is indispensable

Email tops the list of tech tools Americans depend on to get their work done.

Start progressive discipline if there’s been no cooperation


Some employees resent it when their employer requests work that falls outside their usual job duties. They may resist training and generally become uncooperative to the point of insubordination. That’s when it’s time to implement your progressive discipline system.

At the tone, send me a text

Forget leaving a phone message for employees at Coca-Cola’s Atlanta headquarters. The soft drink giant pulled the plug on voice mail last month.

Defend discipline with detailed records


You discipline an employee for a serious rule violation, perhaps by firing the employee. Because you had good reasons for discharging the employee, you may think that you can’t be sued for discrimination. That’s not necessarily true.

Should employees get copies of reviews?

Q. We usually don’t allow our employees to read or comment on their annual evaluations. Instead, we perform a performance review one-on-one and have them sign an acknowledgment that they have discussed their performance. Do we need to provide them with a copy of the evaluation?

Even unwritten rules must be enforced fairly and consistently

It’s not enough to impartially and equitably uphold your formal rules. As this new case shows, even unwritten rules require fair and evenhanded enforcement.