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Employee Relations

What are people thinking? 3 survey tools

Free survey tools enable you to query your customers, staff or followers about a particular topic. You can set up a two- to three-question survey in under five minutes with any of these online survey tools.

Workers ask to talk to HR about their boss: What now?

You are probably accustomed to meeting with individual employees who have problems with a manager. But what do you do when a handful of employees request a meeting with HR? Don’t be flustered, intimidated or decline to meet. Use the following plan to handle the situation.

Get the Most Out of Exit Interviews

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When you hire someone with a disability …


You’ve just hired a new employee. She uses a powered chair. You know she can do the work, but you’re concerned with how she’ll fit in with the team. Here are a few tips on how to make everyone feel more comfortable.

NLRB probes slow response to post office data breach

The National Labor Relations Board has taken the U.S. Postal Service to task over its delay in informing its employees of a cyber breach in the late summer or early fall of 2014.

What’s the single greatest benefit of allowing telecommuting?

Letting employees work from home improves work/life balance and reduces the stress of commuting, according to CFOs. The result is better retention and greater productivity.

6 keys to coaxing better work from employees

When a manager says, “I wish I could motivate Alex,” that usually means “I wish I could get Alex to do the job better.” Pass along these tips to bosses who want to boost their employees’ performance.

How to motivate your ‘It’s just a job’ workers

Despite all of our in-house engagement programs, mentoring retreats and conferences hosted by professional motivators, employee engagement today stands at roughly less than 50%. And the percentage of employees actively disengaged from their jobs is close to 20%, according to Gallup’s Global Workplace Engagement Survey. What’s to be done?

Workers engaged? Questions to ask

Are your employees engaged? Sometimes the answer is obvious. Other times it’s not. Here are 12 questions you can ask them to get a better handle on it.

Building a team, block by block

Carving out standing meeting times with every employee you lead may be the secret to building a dream team. Here’s why.