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Employee Relations

Dealing with employee attitudes: 10 guidelines

With some employees, the problem isn’t a matter of ability; it’s a matter of attitude. This can manifest itself in everything from quiet disobedience to outright insubordination.

Top 5 kinds of employee recognition

Almost 90% of employers have a formal employee recognition program, according to a new study by the WorldatWork association. Two-thirds offer three to six different programs. Here’s what’s most popular.

An investigation is inevitable: Now what?

At some point the question becomes not whether you need to dig deep into a case of workplace misconduct, but who you’re going to get for the task. Here are some guidelines.

Tech-free meetings improve ideation


More and more research is surfacing that indicates that technology hurts your ability to understand and process important information. The next time you conduct a brainstorming or problem-solving session, follow these tips to encourage deep thinking.

SHRM survey: Employee satisfaction makes big jump

U.S. workers are feeling good about their jobs again, the Society for Human Resource Management discovered in its latest Employee Job Satisfaction and Engagement Survey.

The big lie about work that no one really believes

Writing in his new book The Alliance, Hoffman calls out what he calls the biggest lie employers tell employees.

Employees more engaged when the boss is a woman

Only one-third of U.S. workers have a female boss, but they are the nation’s most engaged employees. It could be some companies’ hidden advantage.

6 tactics to light a fire under work teams

Management consultant Laurence Haughton offers this advice to managers who want to turn ordinary groups into what he calls “hot teams.” Pass it along to managers and other leaders who direct team activities in your organization.

Few bosses talk politics, but some twist employees’ arms

Only a quarter of employees polled said their managers have brought up national, state or local politics at work. However, 14% said they felt the motive was to coerce them into agreeing with the boss.

Investigating workplace misconduct: How to use your poker face & steady hand

A workplace investigation is no country for amateurs. Attorney Ann Kotlarski has laid out what a reasonable one looks like and reveals why you’d better put the very best people on cases holding even a germ of trouble.