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Employee Relations

Take steps to ease conflict over election results

If pro-Trump/anti-Trump debates are simmering among your employees, don’t ignore them.

Every time, be ready to justify why you disciplined

Generally, you should enforce workplace rules as equally as possible.

Beware hasty decisions, investigate all the angles

After investigating a workplace incident but before making a final decision, consider hiring a neutral investigator to assess what really happened.

Managing is a matter of trust

How to get your employees to believe in you, the organization and its mission.

8 tips for reviews that help employees & you

A good performance review process benefits employees and employers alike.

When nagging is necessary

Nobody wants to be deemed a nag, but sometimes you have to let your inner-nag come out to push people to act or move tasks along.

10 excuses for calling in sick when you really are not

Calling in sick when you’re feeling just fine isn’t a new phenomenon, and the whacked-out rationales never get old.

Apply this fair and firm 5-step progressive discipline policy

A progressive discipline system is the most reliable way to protect your organization from wrongful termination charges.

Lawsuit-proof your processes: Document employee progress against goals

Smart employers make sure they keep the focus on employee performance the whole time a worker is employed.

10 signs an employee is promotable

Use this checklist to determine if your employee does any of the following and deserves that big promotion.