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Employee Relations

Employees dozing at the desk? Offer them pillows


If the worrisome economy is keeping your employees up at night, offering them a place to nap during the afternoon could help them get their work done. Nearly 30% of employees admit they have fallen asleep on the job, and 12% say fatigue has made them late for work, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll.

Document investigation to thwart harasser’s suit


Sometimes, employers conducting harassment investigations find themselves in no-win situations, especially when there are conflicting claims and classic “he said, she said” scenarios. You risk a lawsuit if you fire the alleged harasser, most likely alleging some other illegal reason for your decision to terminate. The way to win these cases: Thoroughly document the investigation.

You can make disabled comply with dress, behavior standards


Good news when it comes to disciplining disabled employees for breaking behavioral or dress code rules: You can and should hold the disabled to those rules, along with everyone else.

Ensure supervisors understand importance of documenting accommodations process


The ADA requires employers to reasonably accommodate disabled employees and applicants. To decide what those accommodations will be, both sides are supposed to engage in an interactive process. If that process breaks down, a court will try to determine who was responsible for the impasse—and good records are key to winning that fight.

Elementary school teacher charged with drug offenses


Williamsport Area School District elementary school teacher Beth Camp faces charges after police seized 72 pounds of marijuana from her Lycoming Township home.

What should we do? Employee wants a transfer as a reasonable accommodation


Q. One of our employees recently developed a condition that makes it difficult for her to perform the essential functions of her job. She has asked to be transferred to a job she can perform. Are we obligated to do this?

Avoiding employee lawsuits: 5 lessons from the court

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Costs rise as workers skimp on health care


Consumers are hanging on tightly to every penny. One main cost they’re skimping on: their own health care—a move that experts say will lead to sicker Americans and higher health care costs down the road for U.S. employers. Here are three ways your organization can keep workers focused on their health even as they skimp on other expenses.

Tackle grumbling head-on with organized gripe session


It can start as one employee simply venting frustration. Then another joins in. Eventually, morale and productivity take a hit from all the rumor, gossip and negative words bouncing around the office or department. How can you put a stop to it?

Beware firing based on police polygraph tests


Employee theft is a big problem, and it could get bigger during hard economic times. Sometimes employers learn about “inside jobs” from police. When that’s the case, watch out for an interesting trap that can lead to litigation.