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Employee Relations

Poor performance–properly documented–warrants termination

In almost every case, clearly documented poor performance will trump discrimination allegations. That’s especially true if you can offer examples going back a reasonable period of time.

In court? Turn over all relevant documents

Here’s a warning for HR professionals who are reviewing personnel files for use in a lawsuit: Don’t even think about playing games with the judge by failing to hand over everything. For example, if you provide only negative information, chances are a judge won’t be pleased.

The art of giving negative feedback: A 7-step approach

If employees are totally blindsided by poor reviews or terminations, they are much more likely to file lawsuits. But if workers receive coaching and progressive discipline, they’ll see the bad news coming a mile away, and they’ll have little reason or motivation to play the legal card. Follow this seven-step method whenever giving negative feedback:

Reinstate fun, family focus to recruit and retain

If your organization is suffering a post-recession exodus of its most valuable employees, here’s an old-school idea to stop the drain: Add job perks that your competitors don’t offer.

Older worker too slow? Firing isn’t age bias

Some older workers hear “slow” and immediately assume that’s code for “old.” But sometimes, slow just means slow.

Carefully document every rule violation to defend against surprise claims


You never know which fired em­­ployee might sue or for what reason. That’s why you should always carefully document all discipline, up to and including the final reason for discharge. The fact is, a legitimate business reason almost always defeats a discrimination claim.

Consulting firm offers ‘no unwanted travel’


Slalom Consulting guarantees its employees that all of its clients are local, so they don’t have to travel if they don’t want to. That guarantee draws travel-weary consultants and new grads who don’t want to stray too far from home who, in turn, keep hiring and retention rates high.

Men’s Wearhouse dresses employees for retail success

Employees of Men’s Wearhouse dress their clients for success, and their employer dresses them. Employees reap $50 in merchandise from the Houston-based men’s clothier for every $500 they spend there.

Build staff buy-in for your internship programs

It’s no secret that long-term staff often dread the summer onslaught of interns—a generation gap that can sink even the best-designed internship program. Smooth the process by having a talk with the older, wiser managers and co-workers who will interact with interns this summer.

When rude boss spouts off, expect little sympathy from juries

A supervisor’s foul temper can alienate employees—and wind up costing an employer big bucks.