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Employee Relations

Fair investigation all that’s needed to support discharge

Employers don’t have to be absolutely right before disciplining an employee. They merely have to investigate first.

‘Wheel of Fortune’ could land worker in jail

A North Carolina postal worker could wind up working in a prison mail room after pleading guilty to workers’ compensation fraud. Her problems began when former co-workers spotted her on the television game show “Wheel of Fortune.”

Speak freely to EEOC–it’s privileged communication

Good news: You won’t be held personally liable—and neither will your company—for what you say in re­­sponse to an EEOC complaint. State­­ments made in an EEOC investigation are privileged.

4 keys for legally managing absenteeism

The costs of absenteeism—in lost production, overtime and temp replacements for the absent worker—can add up quickly. Combat absenteeism with a clear policy, careful documentation and consistent discipline.

Waiting to fire slacker? Document your concerns

If you have a poor-performing worker but don’t want to fire him before you have lined up a replacement, make sure you document all the problems—and your efforts to get him up to expectations.

Worker says different punishment shows bias? Your good records will save you in court

You know you should discipline all workers fairly and equitably, with similar punishment for all who break the same rule. That doesn’t mean breaking the same rule always means identical punishment. As long as you have a good and well-documented reason that shows why each situation differed, your decision won’t be second-guessed later.

To build high performance, remember the power of ‘Thank you!’

In every workplace and on every team, all people have the innate desire to feel appreciated and valued by others. Leaders of teams—and team members themselves—should work to encourage a culture of appreciation.

Teams not getting along? Here’s how to fix it

Some teams struggle to work together. Personalities clash, disagreements intensify and meetings turn into protracted turf battles. When groups become polarized, shake up the status quo. Here are some effective techniques to help teams regain their footing.

Feel free to regulate worker conduct in company van

Good news for employers worried about their public image: If you provide carpool transportation for your employees and want to control their behavior while using that transportation, you can.

Will egg farm have to scramble to defend EEOC suit?

The nation’s largest producer of fresh eggs is being sued after it fired a black employee who had complained about racial and sexual harassment at the company’s farm in Waelder.