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Employee Relations

Business flexes schedule for employee in med school


A coder for National Medical Bill­­ing Services just finished his medical degree, which he earned as a part-time student while working full time as a coder for the St. Louis-based organization. The company worked out a flexible schedule with him and also allowed him to work remotely so he could move out of state to attend classes.

There’s no excuse for workplace abuse! Even disabled employees can be disciplined

Employers don’t have to put up with angry and abusive em­­ployees who try to make life miserable for others. That’s true even if the employee is disabled and has taken FMLA and other leave to deal with mental problems or medical conditions that may be contributing to poor behavior.

NLRB, EEOC confidentiality stance muddles investigations


The NLRB and EEOC are actively enforcing the position that a blanket policy requiring confidentiality during investigations violates federal labor and employment law. That means employers must proceed carefully and thoughtfully when making confidentiality requests during investigations.

Craft strategy to retain your best employees

It’s getting a lot easier for your most valued employees to find jobs at other companies. And if your retention efforts aren’t better than your competitors’ recruiting, you stand a good chance of losing your star employees.

Swearing at work: Is it ever appropriate?


Does swearing energize ­employees and demonstrate passion? Or does it cast you as out-of-control and unprofessional? Generally, the answer is the latter.

Dimension Data employees have multiple choices for development


Employees of Dimension Data Americas have half a dozen ways to develop their skills and further their careers with the Virginia-based tech company. For example, its Dimension Data University is an e-learning platform that allows em­ployees to log on when they have time to take skills-development classes.

Don’t overlook oral warnings in progressive discipline process

Progressive discipline often focuses on the end of the process—the written warnings that, if unheeded, can lead to firing. But the oral warnings that come at the beginning are just as important.

The distasteful ‘sandwich’: How to rethink your feedback strategy

Many managers and HR professionals have been taught to “sandwich” constructive criticism between two positive statements. But I think this is a distasteful way of delivering feedback. Here’s why:

What should we do? Employee says he’s allergic to co-worker’s service dog

Q. After making several accommodations for an em­­ployee who was recently diagnosed with epilepsy and assigned a service dog, another employee is now claiming he is allergic. Can we ask for medical documentation to confirm his allergy? And aside from moving him farther away from the dog, are there other accommodations we are required to make for him?

Recession took toll on workplace collaboration


U.S. workers are focusing more and collaborating less than they did six years ago—a likely result of the Great Recession and a lagging recovery—according to researchers at Gensler, the nation’s largest commercial interior design firm.