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Discipline / Investigations

Keep cases from escalating: When hot-headed manager blows up, order cooling-off period


Even the best bosses sometimes blow up. An employee slacks off or messes up, and the manager lashes out. Everyone knows such outbursts shouldn’t happen. That doesn’t mean they won’t. How you handle the aftermath may make the difference between a jury trial and a smooth return to workplace normalcy.

Pilferage problem: Can we require all our warehouse workers to take lie detector tests?


Q. We’re finding that there’s been an upsurge of items missing from our warehouse inventory. Can we require our warehouse employees to submit to polygraph tests?

It cuts both ways: Be on guard for religious harassment that offends nonbelievers, too


Employees are entitled to work in an environment free from religious harassment, and employers should treat such harassment just as seriously as they do any other kind of harassment. Do that by promptly investigating complaints and fixing any problems you discover. What you don’t want to do is ignore religious harassment.

Cincy doctor to feel some pain


Dr. Walter Broadnax, owner of Cincinnati’s Pain Group, will serve five years’ probation and pay $56,246 in restitution to the state Bureau of Workers Compensation.

Beware long suspensions, even with pay! They could be adverse employment actions


Traditionally, a temporary suspension with full pay hasn’t been deemed an adverse employment action, mainly because courts want to give employers time to determine what an appropriate disciplinary action might be. But if the employer extends that suspension or turns it into a transfer to a no-duties position, courts may take that into consideration.

Compare disciplinary records before firing


Employers know they are not supposed to discriminate against employees based on protected characteristics such as race, age or sex. But HR can’t be everywhere, and in large organizations, it may be hard to monitor equal treatment. A centralized discipline-tracking system can help you check for possible hidden discrimination by comparing proposed discipline against past discipline.

Feel free to let the punishment fit the ‘crime’ when disciplining for off-duty conduct


Many employers have rules that prohibit off-duty conduct that may reflect negatively on the company. But even with such policies, it’s tricky to discipline employees for the things they do on their own time away from the workplace. In fact, you’re free to use discretion in deciding whether an employee should be warned, suspended or terminated.

Progressive discipline and pregnancy: Can the process continue?


Q. If an employee is already on probation when she becomes pregnant, can we continue progressive discipline measures, including possible discharge?

Punish employee if you uncover poor work during FMLA leave


Some employees think that taking FMLA leave gives them complete protection from disciplinary action. That just isn’t so. For example, when an employee takes FMLA leave, her work may have to be redistributed. If, during that process, you discover that the employee had been doing a poor job, you can take disciplinary action against her.

State wage & hour inspector took $1.86 million in bribes


Joseph Rivera, senior investigator for the New Jersey Department of Labor and Workforce Development’s Wage and Hour Division, pleaded guilty in a Camden courtroom to taking $1.86 million in bribes from temporary labor firms …