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Beyond orientations: 4 steps to help you retain new staff

Issue: Many employers run new hires through an orientation process, then instantly start treating them like every other employee.
Risk: Some of these new hires won’t assimilate so quickly. Without …

Perk up dull HR memos by spelling out personal benefit

Believe it or not, your ho-hum HR memos, if written in the right way, can serve as a retention vehicle, says Margaret Morford, president of consulting firm theHRedge. One employer customized …

Courts look at how you train, not just if

Hopefully, reading about multimillion-dollar lawsuit verdicts has motivated you to implement anti-harassment and discrimination employee training. But how good is the training you’re giving? It’s a question worth asking.
Reason: …

Shape your in-house image by creating an HR ‘brand’

Issue: Take control of your department’s image by creating a consistent internal marketing message.
Benefit: When done well, such branding raises your profile with execs and the rank and file, …

Don’t let e-mail mistakes kill your attorney/client privilege

Issue: Protect your right to keep communications between the organization and its attorney secret.
Risk: By misdirecting e-mail messages meant for your attorney, you can wipe out that attorney/client privilege. …

Warn travelers to look for hotel-bill mistakes

A remarkable 11.6 percent of hotel invoices include billing mistakes, resulting in U.S. travelers’ overpaying for rooms by a half-billion dollars each year, according to Wichita-based Corporate Lodging Consultants. On average, …

Keep staff vacation schedules away from public view

With summer-vacation season here, you may be tracking employees’ comings and goings using schedules posted on a bulletin board or online. But not everyone thinks so highly of publicly posted …

Confront the ‘subtle snubs’ that can sap your morale

Issue: Most people remain silent in the face of minor disrespectful incidents at work.
Risk: Your silence can be interpreted as acceptance of the other person’s behavior, leading to major …

When an employee loses control at work

Tempers flare all the time in the workplace, and managers need to know how to quickly calm down employees whose anger gets out of hand. Here’s a step-by-step strategy you can use:

Post vacation schedules only for employee viewing

Issue: To assist in planning, organizations often post employee vacation schedules, especially during summer.
Risk: Some employees may protest, saying it’s an invasion of privacy that makes their house more …