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Work / Life Issues

Take a hike: April 29 is Walk @ Lunch Day


Get ready to trade working lunches for walking lunches. On April 29, employees at thousands of companies will take part in National Walk @ Lunch Day, sponsored by the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Association.

Survival-mode comp strategies could be good for business


Smart compensation pros can use this recession as an opportunity to re-evaluate how they pay employees. Here are four recession-smart compensation strategies that you might decide to continue even after the economy rebounds.

Employees dozing at the desk? Offer them pillows


If the worrisome economy is keeping your employees up at night, offering them a place to nap during the afternoon could help them get their work done. Nearly 30% of employees admit they have fallen asleep on the job, and 12% say fatigue has made them late for work, according to a National Sleep Foundation poll.

6 ways to boost the ROI of your adoption benefits


Like a mother who has just given birth, the parent who adopts a child needs time to bond and adjust to a household that’s been turned upside down by the arrival of a new family member. According to Hewitt Associates, that’s the consensus of the approximately 45% of U.S. companies that offer money or paid time off to adoptive parents. Here are six ways to make the most of an adoption benefit for your employees …

Appeal to 50+ staff with tailored benefits, relevant messages


Organizations that appeal most to employees age 50 and older make it a point to focus recruiting efforts on that group. And they stuff their benefits packages with perks that help older employees balance work with caregiving responsibilities. Here are five best practices your organization can adopt.

Encourage healthy behavior with wellness reminders


A good wellness program can spur employees to ditch unhealthy behaviors, reducing their health care costs and helping them work more productively. But that’s only if they participate. Here are four ways your organization can bolster participation by improving the way it communicates wellness to employees.

Showers bring back more moms after baby comes


At Children’s Healthcare of Atlanta, 90% of new moms come back to work after they have their babies, but that wasn’t the case five years ago. Then, just 64% returned to work. So HR started throwing baby showers for expectant and adoptive moms and dads …

Backup care aids attendance when regular care falls through


Employees of Moffitt Cancer Center in Tampa rely on the organization’s backup dependent care program to step in when their regular arrangements fall through—even if the dependent is not an employee’s child.

Swaddling the cost of child care


Cheaper child care is increasingly necessary as budgets tighten, says Lisa Belkin, a New York Times reporter who covers workplace issues. Here are some of the creative ways working families are reducing the costs.

7 unique employee benefits programs


From surveys of employees’ lifelong dreams to alumni reunions to baby showers for moms-to-be, here’s a rundown of seven innovative benefits practices employers are using to reward and retain the staff they need. They’re compiled from the popular "What’s Working" pages of HR Specialist‘s Compensation & Benefits newsletter.