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All staff on payroll count toward FMLA threshold


Q. We’re a church with six full-time employees, three part-timers and six musicians who are paid per performance. Are we subject to FMLA? And who counts as an “employee” under the law: full-time, part-time and on-call workers, such as our musicians? —E.E., North Carolina

Employee fraud: Know whom (and what) to look out for

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Explore new generation of Internet-based payroll services

Issue: Web-based payroll services for small businesses offer more features than ever, and at better prices.
Benefit: Save HR time and cut your administrative costs.
Action: Look into the …

Buying Savings Bonds via payroll deduction is now easier

Under new Treasury Department rules, it’s now easier for em-ployees to buy U.S. Savings Bonds through payroll deduction. Employees can arrange for a specific amount from their paychecks to be placed …

The new OT rules: You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers

If you’re like most HR professionals, you’ve been scrambling in recent months to pull your organization in line with the Labor Department’s new rules defining …

No Need to Pay Employee for Home-to-Seminar Drive


Q. In determining when to pay for travel time, what if an employee drives his own car to a seminar that’s two hours away? Should he get paid for his driving time to and from the seminar, even if he leaves from home and drives straight home afterward? —R.M., North Carolina

Calculating paid ‘On-Call’ time an art, not science


Q. We have a maintenance employee who we will soon put “on call” for various shifts (occasionally at night) to fix equipment. How should we handle his on-call pay? —E.P., Rhode Island

Include cash rewards in employees’ taxable income


Q. When we win contracts, we recognize employees with cash awards. But these awards may be given to only the select few employees involved. Is this legally OK? —G.J., Alabama

Courts Differ on Half-Day Deduction Rules


Q. You’ve said that a company can’t deduct a half-day for an exempt employee who has used all her sick and vacation time; it must be in full-day increments. But what if the employee hasn’t used all her banked sick and vacation time? Could an employer require the employee to use that instead? —S.V., North Carolina

Exemption Class Doesn’t Matter for Part-Timer


Q. Does the new salary threshold of $455 a week (under which employees are automatically eligible for overtime) hold true even if the person works part time, say one or two days a week? We have employees who meet the professional exemption, but they work part time and wouldn’t reach the $455 threshold. —L.S., Pennsylvania