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  • HR Specialist: Employment Law
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Time clocks: What’s the law on rounding up, down?

Q. Our time-clock software allows for a five-minute grace period at the start and end of each shift. For example, if the employee’s designated start time is 8:00 a.m. and the employee clocks in at either 7:56 a.m. or 8:04 a.m., the actual start time will be logged as 8:00 a.m. for pay purposes. Is this OK?

Add new health insurance numbers to your W-2s

Beginning in the 2011 tax year, employers will be required to report the “aggregate cost” of “applicable employer-sponsored coverage” on their employees’ W-2 forms.

OK to use deductions to collect from employees?

Q. If an employee owes us money, can we collect it through deductions from his wages?

Can we make employee pay cost of lost BlackBerry through payroll deductions?

Q. One of our employees recently took a company-issued BlackBerry with him on a business trip. The employee lost the BlackBerry while out on the town, and the company would like to have him pay for a replacement. Can we deduct the cost of a replacement BlackBerry from his paycheck?

Can we deduct from pay to replace equipment our employee damaged?

Q. We have an employee whose company-provided laptop fell and broke while he was working from home. Can we deduct the cost of the computer from the employee’s paycheck?

DLSE issues opinion letter on partial-day absences

The California Division of Labor Standards Enforcement (DLSE) has issued an opinion letter stating that, although employers may not deduct from exempt employees’ salaries for partial-day absences, they may make deductions from employee leave balances in accordance with the employer’s bona fide leave policies.

Can we charge worker a fee for lost paychecks?

Q. One of our employees is constantly misplacing things, like his W-2 forms and his checks. It’s getting annoying. Can we make him pay a fee? We’re thinking this might make him more careful.

Take advantage of tax breaks offered in new HIRE Act

With the unemployment rate still holding stubbornly near 10%, Congress this month approved a new $18 billion bill that offers tax breaks to employers who add certain new employees to the payroll. President Obama signed it on March 18.

When time sheets are late, can we hold off on paying OT until the next paycheck?

Q. Several of our employees repeatedly turn in their time sheets late. Can we institute a policy stating that if a time sheet is turned in late, any overtime on that week’s time sheet will not be paid until the next pay period?

What to do about late time sheets?


Q. One of our field technicians is consistently late in providing her time sheets. This interferes with promptly billing our customers for work performed. Can we delay paying this employee as an incentive to submit her time sheets on time?