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Compensation & Benefits

‘Independent’ is key concept in classifying workers

Whether you call them consultants, free-lancers or gurus, independent contractors can add experience and flexibility to your team while saving you money. By using …

Employee doesn’t need to show actual injury to earn workers’ comp

When Patsy Evenson, a K-Mart manager, came to the aid of a wheelchair-bound man, she got his blood and feces on her hands. He had HIV, and she had sores on …

Workers’ comp benefits restrict some FMLA options


Q. Can the time spent on workers’ comp leave be counted against family and medical leave? —D.H., Arizona

Notify workers quickly that leave counts toward Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) time.

The 6th Circuit has endorsed a Labor Department regulation that says a company can’t count time under the FMLA unless it notifies the worker, within two days …

ADA may require extended leave

Zenaida Garcia-Ayala missed a lot of work while battling breast cancer. Over a dozen years, she used salary continuation and short-term disability …

Review your FMLA policy in advance of national survey

Over the next two months, thousands of U.S. businesses will be mailed a government survey asking for how they handle absences under the …

Pay former workers promptly; don’t wait for them to ask


Audra Wales called in sick to the Wendy’s restaurant where she worked on Jan. 11 and then showed up later that day to pick up her regular paycheck. During a dispute …

Congress clarifies: Stock options are benefits, not pay

If you give stock options to nonexempt workers, don’t worry that the additional compensation will drive up their overtime pay. President Clinton has signed legislation …

Limits on payroll deductions


Q. An employee has not returned our calls or come to work at our hotel for over a week. She has a set of office keys and owes money for laundry. Can I hold her check until she returns the keys or pays for her laundry? Alternatively, can I deduct the cost of replacing the keys and laundry from her last paycheck? —I.C., Maryland

Recover training costs


Q. Can we require an employee to sign an agreement to reimburse the company for half the expenses related to training, if the employee resigns within six months? —S.D., Northern Marianas