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Compensation & Benefits

Ignorance of law is no defense for layoff-notice violation

If your organization is weighing a plant closing or employee layoff, determine early whether you’re required to give employees notice under the Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act. Courts won’t …

Revisit severance pay as a recruiting tool

If your organization has offered little or no severance pay, now’s a good time to beef up that benefit.
Reason: Choppy economic conditions the past few years saw many employees …

Independent contractors: Steer clear of IRS numbers game

THE LAW. Many organizations don’t think twice about using independent contractors. They’re an attractive labor source because you don’t have to shell out payroll taxes or benefits for them, nor are …

Same-sex marriage: Know the impact on policies, benefits

Issue: How to sort out federal law and emerging state and local rules on same-sex marriages and unions. Benefit/risk: You don’t need to extend …

Cut turnover by revealing ‘Hidden facts’ in paychecks


Issue: Employees too often see their base salary as their bottom-line compensation. Risk: Without a clear view of their total compensation package, employees become disillusioned and seek greener …

Forward 401(k) contributions on time … or else

The Labor Department is putting new teeth into its rules that require employers to deposit employee 401(k) contributions by the 15th business day of the month following the month in which …

‘Stock-loss stress’ won’t earn workers’ comp

After a California utility worker saw his $200,000 in company stock plummet in value, he left work and filed a workers’ comp claim, citing stress. The state workers’ comp board said …

Even ‘Optional’ company events carry risks


Q. Awhile back you suggested that we provide transportation home for employees who suffer an illness that could be work-related. Would that apply to company parties for which employees’ attendance is voluntary? —C.K, Illinois

Serious condition, not its symptoms, triggers FMLA

The next time you consider a request for leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA), remember this: For employees to be covered under the FMLA for their own “serious …

Telecommuters eligible for FMLA? Geography may be irrelevant.

An account executive who telecommuted from her California home office sued her Kansas-based employer, claiming she was fired after taking FMLA leave to recover from surgery. The company said she was …