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Compensation & Benefits

Start ‘leave meter’ running at first absence

Issue: When does FMLA leave begin? How soon do you need to notify employees on leave? Benefit: A new court ruling clarifies that those 12 weeks begin with the first …

Combat absenteeism caused by flu-shot shortage

Issue: Experts are predicting a sharp rise in flu victims this winter due to the unexpected shortfall in flu vaccines. Risk: More absenteeism and …

The new OT rules: You’ve got questions; we’ve got answers

If you’re like most HR professionals, you’ve been scrambling in recent months to pull your organization in line with the Labor Department’s new rules defining …

Benchmark your benefits; costs take biggest jump since ’90

Issue: It’s more important than ever to know if you’re budgeting too much, too little or the right amount for employee benefits. Risk: By ignoring industry …

Will the presidential election result affect hiring?

Expect the presidential election outcome to produce a small economic boost in certain industries, according to a new survey by outplacement consulting firm …

Review insurance policies for legally dangerous exclusions

Issue: A poorly worded insurance policy can spark age discrimination lawsuits. Risk: If your policy excludes members of a protected class (age, race, gender, etc.)…

To cut costs, shed myths about staff returning from injury

Issue: Common misconceptions exist about how to handle employees returning from injury leave. Benefit: By looking deeper into these return-to-work myths …

You can place some conditions on employees’ FMLA leave

While you can’t base firing decisions on an employee’s decision to take Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) leave, that doesn’t mean you’re powerless to act against employees who flaunt your …

Notify ‘key employee’ right away if denying reinstatement to job

Employees who take leave under the Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) are usually guaranteed reinstatement to their jobs. But one key exception exists: You can designate a class of highly …

Employees can’t claim retaliation if they’re not FMLA-eligible

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) protects employees against retaliation for taking FMLA leave. But a recent court decision makes clear that employees retain these rights only if they’re actually …