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Can we deduct personal leave for exempt worker’s partial-day absence?


Q. Some of our supervisors make their exempt employees take personal or sick leave for every minute they miss from work, even if they work a regular schedule the rest of the week. Can we safely do that?

Don’t consider FMLA absences when firing


Employers can’t punish or otherwise hold it against employees for taking FMLA leave—that’s interfering with FMLA rights, and it’s illegal. That’s why it’s important to exclude FMLA leave when making any disciplinary decisions based on employee absences.

Check the medical documentation: FMLA doesn’t automatically apply to ER visits


You don’t need to give employees FMLA leave just because they have a discharge sheet from a hospital emergency room. The real question is whether the medical condition that prompted them to visit the ER was a serious health condition.

Understand, prepare to follow the new revised FMLA regulations


The long-awaited revised and updated final rules of the U.S. Department of Labor interpreting the FMLA will go into effect on Jan.16. HR specialists should read the new regulations and then review them with an employment attorney. Also, they should promptly develop special training on new rules and procedures for supervisors and employees alike.

Be prepared to grant FMLA leave for diagnosis of serious health condition


Routine doctors’ appointments such as checkups or annual physicals aren’t considered eligible for FMLA leave, but appointments aimed at diagnosing a condition may be. Employers that know the employee is seeing a specialist as part of the followup to an auto accident, for example, are on notice that the employee may need to take FMLA leave …

With flu season approaching, can we force employees to stay home from work?


Q. Flu season is coming and we are concerned. If employees have the flu or show flu symptoms, can we require them to stay home long enough to make sure they are no longer contagious? Would we have to pay them for time away?

Manage absences by asking employees why they’re out


Employee absences are costing your business more than twice as much as health care, two recent surveys reveal. Cutting even a fraction of absences can have a potent impact on your organization’s bottom line—an attractive possibility in a tight economy when employers need workers to be as productive as possible.

Encourage organ donations by offering extra days off


Offering an extra three to 30 days of paid leave to employees who donate bone marrow or organs could improve your organization’s reputation as a company that cares about its community. Less than half of 1% of those who register as potential donors will ever be called to give, so the benefit will cost your organization very little.

Employees get a 2-day trip for every five years of service


Employees who hit the five-year mark with Sheetz, the Altoona, Pa.-based convenience store and gas station chain, get an all-expense-paid, two-day summer vacation for two at nearby Seven Springs Mountain Resort.

Construction firm employees help each other in emergency


When a TD Industries employee gets into a financial bind because of an emergency, colleagues pitch in to help out via payroll deductions. The Dallas-based construction firm allows employees to donate paid leave and money on a regular basis or in response to an isolated situation.