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Cash out or carry over: Can we offer employees that choice for accrued paid time off?

Q. Our policy lets employees carry over up to 100 hours of unused paid time off from year to year. We would like to change the policy to permit employees the choice between cashing out paid time off and carrying it over into the next year in order to encourage them to reduce their paid time-off accruals. Is this a problem?

On eve of flu season, know what FMLA covers


After last year’s swine flu scare, there’s good reason to worry about the upcoming flu season. A serious outbreak could incapacitate employers operating with lean staffing. Some employees may want to take time off if they suspect they’re coming down with the flu. And at least some of those workers may assume that sick time off will be covered by the FMLA. That’s where things get tricky.

How will the new Illinois Family Military Leave Act amendment affect us?

Q. How does the recent amendment to the Illinois Family Military Leave Act affect employers?

Remember: You must consider chronic conditions when employees request FMLA leave

Employers sometimes mistakenly focus only on the FMLA provision that defines a serious health condition as one that incapacitates an employee for three calendar days or more. Don’t focus solely on illnesses of three days’ duration. If the employee has a brief flare-up of an underlying condition that has been treated in the past, he may be eligible for FMLA leave.

Feel free to set generous FMLA notice terms, but rely on the law if you wind up in court

Some employers cut more slack than the FMLA requires when employees fail to give timely notice that they want to take FMLA leave. The company typically might send an employee a letter informing her that, since she didn’t show up for her last scheduled shift or offered an explanation, she has five days to return or explain why she can’t work. If the reason is one covered by the FMLA, she may already have lost the right to claim FMLA leave.

What should we do when an employee provides conflicting FMLA certification notes?

Q. An employee seeking FMLA leave presented medical certification from her doctor that stated that her medical condition didn’t prevent her from performing the essential functions of her job. A few days later, she presented a second form that stated the opposite. Can we hold her to the first certification, or do we have to accept the second form and grant FMLA leave?

FMLA: What to do when worker refuses OT

Some employees don’t like being told they have to put in OT, especially if they have medical conditions that make it difficult to work extended hours. However, you are within your rights to insist on overtime. Employees with a serious health condition that precludes working extra hours may have to go on intermittent FMLA leave.

3 new state employment laws you must know

Gov. David Paterson has signed into law legislation protecting domestic workers, granting bereavement and funeral leave rights to same-sex partners and ensuring fair play in the construction industry.

After a brief FMLA leave, can we request a second opinion to make sure the worker is ready to return?

Q. We have an employee returning from FMLA leave. His physician has issued a fitness-for-duty certificate. However, we have doubts about the worker’s ability to perform his job because he wasn’t off work very long … Can we send him to another physician for a second fitness-for-duty examination?

‘Gradual Return’ program lets moms come back on their own schedule


New parents don’t have to rush back to work at Verizon if they sign up for the telecommunications giant’s “Gradual Return to Work” program after childbirth or an adoption. Instead, they return to work on a reduced work schedule and maintain full coverage for their health and other benefits.