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Think employee is committing leave fraud? Feel free to discipline–and document why

If you suspect an employee is abusing your generous sick and disability leave benefits, consider cracking down on fraud. As long as you can document that you made a good-faith decision to punish leave abuse, a court won’t second-guess your actions.

What recourse do we have if employee repeatedly misses work on Mondays?

Q. How can we handle an employee who routinely uses vacation and sick time on Mondays?

What should we do if we suspect employee is engaged in workers’ comp fraud?


Q. While on unpaid leave, one of our employees applied for and was granted workers’ compensation. This person has not expressed any interest in returning to work. We think she may even be working somewhere else. Can we terminate her?

How does PTO affect terminations?


Q. We are considering replacing sick leave and vacation benefits with a paid time off (PTO) program. How are these plans treated upon the termination or resignation of an employee?

Unused leave takes a bite out of municipal budgets

It’s a benefit designed to retain long-term employees, but the practice of allowing retiring government ­workers to cash out unused leave may turn in­­to an actuarial time bomb. The prob­­lem: Local governments are shedding employees at a record pace, often through early-retirement packages. And the leave liability is largely unfunded.

What are the Texas voting leave rules?

Q. Must we give our employees time off to vote? If so, must we pay the employees for the time they spend voting?

Sabbatical allows charity row from Miami to New York


When qedis employee Lewis Colam wanted three months off to row a boat from Miami to New York to raise money for Alzheimer’s research, the company not only pitched in as a sponsor but gave him a sabbatical for the trip. Executives at the London-based management and technology consulting firm say they try to support their employees’ dreams.

How should we manage unused vacation?


Q. Several of our employees have compiled a lot of vacation time. Is there any way we can manage how much vacation leave time our employees accrue?

What are the rules for requesting FMLA leave?

Q. Does an employee who wants to take FMLA leave have to specifically ask for it by name?

Don’t treat pregnancy-related absences differently than other medical absences

If you provide additional leave or special arrangements for someone recovering from a heart attack or broken leg, you must provide them for a pregnant employee, too. Otherwise, you may be violating the Pregnancy Discrimination Act.