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How should we handle pay while our employee is serving jury duty?

Q. One of our employees received a jury duty summons. What are our obligations towards the employee in terms of pay and leave?

Is it legal for us to restrict when employees may take small amounts of vacation time?


Q. We recently needed to cut back on some of our employees’ shifts, meaning that some of them now work less than 40 hours per week. In order to bring their hours up to 40, these workers have been filling in their time sheets with varying amounts of their earned vacation. Are we permitted to restrict when our employees may use their earned vacation?

What is California’s law concerning leave for school-related activities?


Q. With the start of the school year, several of our employees have asked to leave work early to attend parent orientation events at their child’s school. Are we obligated to grant employees time off for these events?

Can we insist that doctors’ notes include a diagnosis of an employee’s medical condition?


Q. May we ask for a diagnosis when an employee ­requests a few days of sick leave? Or must we ­accept any doctor’s note without any explanation?

Can we legally cap paid sick leave?


Q. One of our managers has medical problems and has used a significant amount of paid sick leave. Because we don’t have a defined sick pay policy, this manager uses paid sick time whenever she’s out (full day or half day). How can we legally cap this? Is developing a policy with specific hours our only alternative?

Philadelphia issues regs on mandatory paid sick leave

Philadelphia employers that do business with the city had to begin providing paid sick leave to their employees on July 1, when new provisions of the city’s “21st Century Minimum Wage Standard” went into effect.

Track discipline in a way that allows easy recall

You will never know which employee will sue or for what reason. That’s a good reason to carefully track all discipline and make the records easy to access.

When the school bell rings, do some employees go missing?


The beginning of the school year can be fraught with stress and tension for kids and their parents, too. Result: less productive and often absent employees. Reminder: The federal FMLA doesn’t cover employees who take time off for school visits or to care for kids who aren’t seriously ill but who must stay home from school. Some state laws do.

State-by-state 2012 short-term child-care leave laws


The federal FMLA doesn’t cover employees who take time off for school visits or to care for kids who aren’t seriously ill but who must stay home from school. Some state laws do. The chart below summarizes state short-term leave laws.

8 flex trends that will affect your company


As more organizations allow em­­ployees to adjust their schedules and telework, it puts pressure on other employers to offer the same flexibility—or lose out when it comes to recruiting and retaining quality workers. A recent study of employers’ workplace flexibiliity practices uncovered eight trends you need to understand.