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Don’t use disability leave as excuse to terminate

Under California’s Fair Employment and Housing Act, employers must reasonably accommodate disabled workers with disability leave. If that leave is then used against the worker to justify a termination, it ceases being a reasonable accommodation.

Some employers get a break from Minneapolis leave law

A state court has issued an injunction exempting employers that are not based in Minneapolis from having to comply with the Minneapolis paid sick leave ordinance.

Snapshot: Big business makes progress on LGBT issues

An overwhelming majority of Fortune 500 corporations prohibit discrimination on the basis of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender status.

States take lead on paid family leave laws

With the legislative agenda bogged down on Capitol Hill, look for states to step up efforts to enact laws that mandate some form of paid family leave. Some recent initiatives have resulted in signed legislation, while others have fallen short.

California legislature considers a dozen new employment laws

Like a pride of lions flashing teeth and fangs, the California legislature is on the hunt in 2018. As has become an annual spring ritual, Sacramento politicians have once again proposed a progressive labor agenda.

Minneapolis gears up to enforce Safe and Sick Time Ordinance

Since Minneapolis’s Safe and Sick Time Ordinance took effect last July, the city has been working with employers to help them comply with the law. For almost a year, the city has levied no fines. That will all end on July 1.

New way to collect paid family leave contributions in N.Y.

The New York Workers Compensation Board has changed its interpretation of regulations governing collection of employee contributions to the state’s paid family leave fund.

3 questions about pregnancy leave in California

What are California’s rules on pregnancy leave? … How should we handle pay while someone is out on pregnancy disability leave? … How to count pregnancy disability leave?

Study: Paid family leave plan could compromise Social Security

A Republican-backed plan that would let employees borrow against future Social Security benefits to pay for family leave could wind up reducing their monthly retirement benefits by an average of 3%—and 10% for those with large families.

Paid sick leave legislation could pass in New Jersey

New Jersey appears to be on the brink of becoming the 10th state to enact a mandatory paid sick leave law.