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Limits on workers’ comp leave?


Q. Is there any limitation on how long workers’ compensation leave may go on? …

Set crystal-Clear rules governing employee absences


Employers are free to set reasonable no-call/no-show rules for all absences, including those that qualify for FMLA time off.  On the other hand, if you discharge someone for failing to follow a rule that doesn’t spell out exactly how you expect employees to call in, don’t be surprised if you end up embroiled in a long, time-consuming and expensive legal battle …

OK to place employee on paid leave pending investigation


Ever since the U.S. Supreme Court’s landmark Burlington Northern retaliation decision in 2006, employers have been struggling with exactly what to do while investigating wrongdoings. One vexing issue has been whether it could be retaliation to place an employee on paid administrative leave pending an investigation …

To pay or not to pay when inclement weather closes the office


Q. During a recent patch of inclement weather, our company president determined that the roads were too unsafe to ask our employees to come in to work. We notified our employees that they would not be needed that day, and that they were welcome to use a vacation day if they wanted to be paid. (Normally, our policy requires 48 hours’ notice if employees want to take a vacation day.) Some of our employees do not have any accumulated vacation time. Must we offer to pay them? …

Scheduling summer vacations in the most fair and efficient way


A reader of the Forum section of HR Specialist posed this question: “We’re going to be incredibly busy this summer. What’s the best way to schedule vacations without employees complaining?” Here’s how some HR professionals replied …

Colorado’s Leave Laws

All Colorado employers, both public and private, must provide limited paid leave to workers called for jury duty and must allow time off for workers to vote. Additionally, state employees are entitled to family and medical leave as well as paid leave for organ donation and disaster services work …

Minnesota Leave Laws

Minnesota employees have enhanced parental leave options beyond what the federal FMLA provides. Additionally, all Minnesota employers must provide paid time off to allow workers to vote and unpaid leave for jury duty …

The dreadful dozen: The 12 worst absence excuses ever


CareerBuilder.com recently asked 2,929 hiring managers and HR pros to name the lamest excuses they had ever heard for missing work. Who knew America’s work force was so fragile—or creative? Maybe some innovative strategies can stem the tide of absenteeism.

Require use of vacation time if you know FMLA doesn’t apply


Employers don’t have to allow employees to take sick or FMLA time just because they claim minor health problems. If you are certain that an illness or injury doesn’t amount to a serious health condition as defined by the FMLA, then there is no reason to run the time against FMLA or sick time …

Have a sick leave bank? Make it accessible to all who qualify


If, like many employers, you maintain a sick leave bank for employees who exhaust their available leave time, remember this: You’ll risk a retaliation lawsuit if you deny the use of banked time to an employee who has filed a discrimination claim …