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What to do? Doctor’s appointments seems awfully conveniently scheduled

Q. We don’t usually require employees to provide notes when they take time off for doctors’ appointments. However, one of our employees is known for scheduling her “appointments” on the Friday before holiday weekends. Can we request verification from the doctor’s office on a case-by-case basis?

Answers to your FMLA military leave questions

On Jan. 28, 2008, President Bush signed into law the first significant amendment to the Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993. Because of the significant changes to this important and complex statute, we have provided answers below to the most frequently asked questions regarding the changes to the FMLA …

No need to ‘Totally’ accommodate religious practices

When it comes to providing employees with the time they need to practice their religion, the key word is “reasonable,” not “total.” An employer doesn’t have to bend over backward to provide all the time off an employee’s religion may demand if doing so creates morale problems among co-workers who have to pick up the slack …

FMLA compliance doesn’t rule out enforcing attendance policy

We all know that people do get sick and miss work due to chronic conditions, accidents and serious illnesses. That doesn’t mean you cannot insist on good attendance. As you enforce your attendance policy, however, make sure you don’t count in any negative way absences covered by the FMLA …

New FMLA regulations clarify definitions, improve certification rules


The U.S. Labor Department has published proposed FMLA regulations, which may change the way employers handle FMLA leave. The dual-purpose proposal includes changes to certain existing FMLA regulations and new military family leave entitlements …

FMLA, Workers’ Comp, ADA


HR Law 101: One of the toughest problems for employers is figuring out which law applies to a particular condition: the FMLA, workers’ comp or the ADA. The relationship between the FMLA and other federal and state statutes is clear: The law that provides the greatest benefits to the employee applies …

No need to reinstate if disability leave extends past FMLA


After using up their available 12 weeks’ unpaid FMLA leave, many new mothers request additional time off. If you agree to additional time off to be covered by a short-term disability policy, check to see if that policy includes job protection. If it doesn’t, you don’t have to hold her job or even reinstate her. Don’t, however, start the search for her replacement while the employee is still on FMLA leave …

Message to sick employees: We want you to stay home!


More than half of employees admit they show up for work when they’re sick, according to a CCH Unscheduled Absence Survey. Here are a few simple ways to help your organization reverse the trend of "presenteeism" so employees can recuperate from the flu or other illnesses and return to work focused and productive …

Maternity leave war leads to CRC head’s resignation


Barbara Sykes said it was “political back and forth” that led her to resign her post as appointed head of Ohio’s Civil Rights Commission (CRC) just before her confirmation hearing. Sykes locked horns with Gov. Ted Strickland over the commission’s proposal to expand Ohio’s maternity leave requirements …

Changes to Ohio’s pregnancy discrimination rules now in question


In the fall of 2007, the Ohio Civil Rights Commission’s proposed revisions to the rules governing pregnancy discrimination became a hot political topic. Due to some unusual political wrangling, the future of the proposed rule revision is very much in question …