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Workers’ comp reform working


Gov. Jon Corzine’s concerted effort to reform workers’ compensation appears to be bearing fruit. In 2009, benefits will rise to a maximum of $773 per week while employer premiums will fall approximately 1%.

New economic stimulus law includes HR-related provisions


The economic recovery and stimulus bill President Obama signed Feb. 17 features several provisions affecting HR. Most require federal agencies to write new administrative rules, so it’s difficult to predict now exactly how they will work on an everyday basis. Here are some key provisions in the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act.

New economic stimulus law will find HR working closely with accounting


The politics of the economic recovery and stimulus bill President Obama signed on Feb. 17 have been the talk of Washington for weeks. Now get ready to figure out what it really means for business. Tip for HR pros: Plan on spending lots of time in the accounting department.

Record number of employers dispute unemployment claims


When you fire an employee for misconduct and he proceeds to file an unemployment compensation claim, how does your organization respond? In recent years, record numbers of U.S. employers have challenged those payouts. The rise in challenges can be pegged to more employers citing misconduct as the reason for terminations.

Stimulus law adds COBRA subsidy, tax changes


The $789 billion American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) signed on Feb. 17 by President Obama includes a handful of key HR-related provisions, including: COBRA subsidies, a Making Work Pay Credit and unemployment compensation.

Tell bosses: No comments on insurance cost, age


Remind all managers and supervisors to keep any thoughts on insurance costs to themselves. If older employees end up being disproportionally affected by a reduction in force, any comments on insuring older employees may come back to haunt you.

Mayors’ forecast: Ohio to see large job losses in 2009


According to a forecast by the U.S. Conference of Mayors, Ohio’s major cities will experience heavy job losses this year: Cleveland, with a current workforce of 1.06 million jobs, will lose 22,200 jobs. Cincinnati (1.04 million workforce) will lose 20,500 jobs. Columbus (948,000 workforce) will lose 7,700 jobs.

Remind employees: Honesty required when applying for health insurance benefits


Remind employees that they must be honest when filling out insurance sign-up forms. Otherwise, they—and your company—may be sued later to recover the medical costs associated with undisclosed pre-existing conditions. That could cost everyone far more than the premiums saved by not disclosing medical conditions.

Workers’ comp premium savings on tap for some employers


Some employers may end up saving about 30% on their workers’ compensation premiums under a plan outlined recently by the Ohio Bureau of Workers’ Compensation.

At what point does retired worker become ineligible for PTD workers’ comp?


Q. If an injured worker has a catastrophic injury under Florida’s Workers’ Compensation Act and subsequently retires, does that mean the employee is not entitled to permanent total disability (PTD) workers’ compensation benefits?