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Cleveland financial firm pushes employees to live healthier


Execs at Cleveland-based KeyBank figure there’s something to be said for keeping the same medical administrator on staff for more than a decade. In fact, they call it part of their “commitment to wellness.” The organization’s aim: to drive down medical costs by helping employees im­­prove their health and become more involved in their own well-being.

Family health premiums rose 4% to $15,745 in 2012

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $15,745 this year, up 4% from last year, with workers on average paying $4,316 toward the cost of their coverage, according to the Kaiser Family Foundation’s 2012 Employer Health Benefits Survey.

FICA wage base increases to $113,700 for 2013

The Social Security Administration has announced that the 2013 taxable wage base for the Social Security portion of FICA increases to $113,700. That’s a 3.2% hike over the 2012 wage base of $110,100.

4-step checklist eases open enrollment process

If you’re like most U.S. employers, your workers sign up for health insurance coverage during a two- or four-week span—known as open enrollment—in late October or early November. If you’re planning open enrollment for your 2013 plan year, follow this checklist.

The cost of new health care law? 14 cents a pizza

The Papa John’s pizza chain made headlines recently when it became one of the first national businesses to estimate a specific per-customer cost of the Affordable Care Act. CEO John Schnatter figured the law will cost him between 11 and 14 cents more per pizza.

Health premiums up 4% this year; forecast to rise 7% in 2013

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health insurance are averaging $15,745 this year (up 4% from 2011), while worker-only coverage is averaging $5,615 (up 3% from last year), according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation report.

Health premiums up 4% in 2012, forecast to rise 7% next year

Annual premiums for employer-sponsored family health coverage reached $15,745 in 2012, up 4% from last year, with workers on average paying $4,316 toward the cost of their coverage, according to a new Kaiser Family Foundation (KFF) survey.  Premiums for worker-only health coverage increased 3% in 2012 to reach $5,615 annually. Here’s a full analysis:  

IRS cuts slack under final health premium tax credit regs

While the legality of the Affordable Care Act health care reform law was pending before the Supreme Court, the IRS issued final regulations on the premium tax credit. Since the dust has settled, it’s time to take a closer look at the regs.

Census: Health coverage varies widely by state

Nearly one in five Americans under age 65 lacks health insurance, according to data analyzed by the U.S. Census Bureau, but the rate of coverage varies widely depending on where people live.

Bank extends wellness from employees to local communities

Cleveland-based KeyBank has healthier employees and lower medical costs since it embraced a systemic approach to encouraging employees to become more involved in their well-being.