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How to survive a DOL audit of your health insurance plan

The Affordable Care Act health care reform law doesn’t fully kick in for another year. But that hasn’t stopped DOL auditors from scrutinizing group health plans for provisions that have already taken effect. Make sure your plan complies with the following requirements.

Self-insured plans, HSAs, HRAs must pay research fees


To determine what works in providing medical care, the Affordable Care Act health care reform law created the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute (PCORI). For seven plan years, PCORI will be funded with fees on plan sponsors of self-insured plans, including retiree-only and COBRA plans. Now comes news that sponsors of insured plans that offer employees health reimbursement arrangements (HRAs) and certain health flexible spending accounts (FSAs) must also pay fees.

Blue Cross Blue Shield staff can access telecare

When employees of Blue Cross and Blue Shield of North Carolina don’t feel well, they can log onto the Internet and find out why. The company has partnered with Ameri­­can Well and Walgreens Take Care Health Systems to create a telehealth service for employees.

Self-insured plans, HSAs, HRAs must pay research fees

To determine what works in providing medical care, the Affordable Care Act health care reform law created the Patient-Centered Outcomes Research In­­sti­­tute. For seven plan years, it will be funded with fees on plan sponsors of self-insured plans, including retiree-only and COBRA plans.

Nebraska cuts cost of employee health claims by millions


The Nebraska state government reduced employee health claims by $4.2 million over three years after introducing a wellness program that features 100% coverage of preventive health care and lower premiums. The effort led Nebraska to become the first state to win the C. Everett Koop National Health Award.

Self-insured? New health plan fees due to IRS in July

The IRS has announced final regulations governing new fees—payable by health insurers and employer sponsors of self-insured health plans—that will help fund a new Patient-Centered Outcomes Research Institute.

Health plans audited for health care reform compliance

The health care reform law doesn’t fully kick in for another year. But that hasn’t stopped DOL auditors from scrutinizing group health plans for provisions already in effect, such as the grand­fathering rules and children staying on parents’ plan until they turn age 26.

Need health insurance options for your small business?


Locate plans that suit your workforce at finder.healthcare.gov. The site, run by the U.S. Depart­­ment of Health and Human Ser­­v­­ices, identifies health insurance carriers serving the small business market in your area.

With Obama re-elected, kick ACA compliance into high gear

If you were waiting until after last week’s presidential election to begin implementing health benefit changes mandated by the Affordable Care Act, it’s time to kick your planning into high gear. With President Obama’s re-election, the ACA is sure to be fully implemented come 2014. Already, critical compliance deadlines are looming.

Safe harbor protects employers from free-rider penalties


Under the health care reform law, employers of 50 or more full-time em­ployees during the preceding year will pay free-rider penalties if they don’t offer full-time em­­ployees (i.e., those who work at least 30 hours a week) affordable health benefits. How you determine full-time status is the subject of new IRS guidance.