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Boost health screening turnout with mix of carrots, sticks


More employers are turning to incentives and penalties to increase participation in on-site health-risk assessments. Attracting employees to this first step can improve their health, which cuts your costs. Use the advice below to choose the best approach for your organization …

Cut costs on duplicate health coverage


If you’re not doing so already, take steps to discourage employees and dependents from holding duplicate health coverage. Example: Ford Motor Co. now requires employees to pay extra toward their health premiums if their covered spouses have duplicate health coverage …

Dispelling 4 common myths about disability leave


There once was a time when considering an employee’s request for disability leave was fairly straightforward. But no more. With passage of the ADA and FMLA, employers must now navigate a virtual maze of federal laws and regulations. And when an employee’s disability stems from a work-related accident, workers’ compensation issues must be taken into account …

Design smoker surcharges to cut costs, preserve morale


More employers are increasing health premiums for smokers as a way to cut health costs. Such surcharges can trim costs, but implementation mistakes can alienate employees and hurt morale. Use the following tips to design smoker surcharges that reduce the most costs with the least employee backlash …

COBRA notices: Lessons from 3 recent court rulings


Court rulings periodically alter your responsibilities in offering COBRA continuing health coverage. Keeping abreast of those changes helps you stay in compliance and out of court …

More States Push Workplace Conscientious-Objector Laws


State legislatures in about 20 states are actively considering legislation that would provide new legal protections to health care employees who refuse to provide care that conflicts with their personal beliefs …

EAP phone therapy is legit, but choose vendors wisely


EAP-provided telephone counseling is controversial but becoming more common. Still, quality varies among vendors. Screen potential teletherapy providers carefully using the following six questions …

Look to states, not Congress, for radical health care changes


Employers and consumers alike have been wrestling with skyrocketing health care costs, with no end in sight. And while Congress has talked much about reforming the system, it’s been spinning its wheels for years. The same can’t be said for state legislatures, where lawmakers are actively passing laws to make coverage more affordable …

Use ‘Mini-Med’ Benefits to Cut Costs, Help Retain Staff


Soaring health costs are forcing many small firms to shift more cost burden to employees or drop coverage. But be aware that many companies are taking a third option: offering a limited medical health insurance plan (or "mini med") that provides bare-bones health coverage …

You can remove injured worker for safety reasons


Q. An employee told us he has a bad hernia. He wants to wait a couple months to have the operation, since it requires six weeks’ recovery. He does some lifting in his job. Yesterday, he had to go home early because he was in pain. Now that we are aware of his condition, what’s our liability? And what should we do? —D.C., New Jersey