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Erie representative proposes universal health coverage


State Rep. Linda Bebko-Jones (D-Erie) has proposed a 10 percent payroll tax on businesses and a 3 percent personal income tax to provide universal health care coverage to Pennsylvanians. State Sen. Jim Ferlo, (D-Allegheny) proposed a companion bill earlier in the session …

Be on guard for often-Overlooked ‘Associated with’ claims


A frequently disregarded ADA provision often catches employers by surprise. The ADA, which prohibits discrimination of disabled people at work, also bans discrimination against employees because they "associate with" someone who is disabled …

Help trim health costs by reviewing claims error data


Health insurers make a surprising number of errors on claims, which can drive up your organization’s premiums and claims costs. Act now to identify money-wasting holes in your health plan with a full audit or a simpler checkup …

Consistency Erases Risk of Light-Duty Jobs


Employers who use light-duty programs to cut workers’ compensation costs often make one big legal mistake: They apply their policies haphazardly, allowing some employees to take light-duty jobs, but not others. That inconsistency is the fastest way to trigger discrimination lawsuits

Use payroll deduction to collect unpaid premiums


Q. An employee went on FMLA leave, but we failed to specify the method in which he would pay his share of health insurance premiums. It’s now three months later, the employee has returned to work and he hasn’t paid a dime. We want to collect the premium. What can we do? —D.T., Texas

Weed out costly workers’ comp classification errors


Insurers incorrectly calculate workers’ compensation premiums for 30 to 40 percent of employers. You can help slash premium costs, and become a hero to your CEO, by knowing what mistakes to look for …

Moving your health care costs to health care assets


Corporate America continues to register alarm over unrelenting health care cost growth. If not restrained, health care costs will significantly affect every firm’s profitability and competitiveness …

Contain runaway diabetes costs with screening, education


Employees with diabetes suffer more absenteeism and higher health costs. Sixty-two percent of larger employers have some kind of diabetes management plan, according to Mercer HR consulting …

On-Site RN Saves Time, Expense


SRA International Inc. in Fairfax, Va., provides an on-site RN whom employees and their families may visit or call with all kinds of medical and wellness issues …

Trim health insurance costs by identifying duplicate coverage


If you’re not doing so already, take steps to discourage employees and dependents from holding duplicate health coverage …