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Undocumented workers aren’t eligible for unemployment


In Pennsylvania, laid off employees who aren’t legally documented to work in the United States aren’t eligible for unemployment compensation payments …

Give FMLA notice when employees go on workers’ comp


When employees go on workers’ compensation leave, you should tell them about their FMLA rights. That starts the 12-week clock ticking. If you don’t notify them, a lawsuit may follow even if the employee settles the workers’ comp claim …

Gov. Rendell signs workers’ comp reform, then issues a puzzler


Gov. Ed Rendell signed a workers’ compensation bill that establishes an Uninsured Employers Guaranty Fund and caps some legal fees, among other reforms …

Intoxicated employee can still win workers’ comp benefits


Under the New Jersey Workers’ Compensation Law, employees who are hurt at work because they were intoxicated can’t receive workers’ compensation benefits. Yet employers should be aware of the law’s fine print …

Use unemployment comp decision to defend a bias lawsuit


Here’s another good reason to aggressively contest unemployment compensation claims when you have strong evidence that the company fired the employee for a good cause (such as lying or stealing): You can use an unemployment compensation ruling to prove, in a later discrimination lawsuit, that you fired an employee for a valid, nondiscriminatory reason

Same-Sex Unions in N.J.: Responsibilities and Restrictions of the New Law


Same-sex unions are now a reality in New Jersey, and employers will have to change the way they deal with employees as a result. It’s too early to tell exactly what steps employers will need to take, but it’s important to understand what led to the decision and legislation

Job hazard may trigger workers’ comp years later


When it comes to workplace hazards, take note: Georgia employees have a very long time to file for workers’ comp benefits. As a result, you should keep meticulous records for many years on where and when employees worked …

Suicide may entitle survivor to workers’ comp


If a Georgia employee becomes despondent after an on-the-job injury and kills himself, his employer may be liable for workers’ compensation benefits for his survivors …

Workplace violence: Georgia law opens liability beyond workers’ comp


Twelve percent of all violent crimes committed in the United States occur in the workplace. And Georgia employers face unique legal challenges in their response to such violence …

Weather can excuse late filing for unemployment benefits


As every Florida resident knows, hurricanes can wreak havoc. But until now, ex-employees had to file unemployment compensation appeals by the statutory deadline—hurricane or no hurricane …